Father was established as God’s Representative
To accomplish His Will
June 29, 2017
Reading: John 14:8-9:
8 Philip said unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us. 9 Jesus said unto him, have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?
Good morning everyone,
My topic this morning is: God established True Father as his representative on earth so that He could accomplish his will. When God established Father He had a plan, a will and a reason for doing that. It must have been that Father had a certain heart that God could use for that purpose.
Father had such content and qualification that God could put him in charge of the providence and be confident that he would be able to accomplish. He was different from other people even from his early age; he thought differently and he did things differently.
There were many people who testified to Father even from his early age; they testified that he had received the mission to bring salvation to the world and to bring a new world to this earth. Father said that the people who testified to him were not just Koreans but people in other countries as well.
Because he was aware of this, Father had a great sense of urgency, and he lived his life with great care to make sure that every step he took, every movement of his hand, every movement of his feet would be in accordance with God’s will, would be towards the accomplishment of God’s will.
We do not actually know how many people in the world believed in Father, but he himself was extremely serious and he devoted his entire heart and dedication for the accomplishment of God’s will. Even in time of persecution when Father was being chased from here to there, even when people were mocking him and chasing him out, still he never lost sight of the fact that his mission was to bring salvation to the entire world.
Father was not concerned only with the salvation of the people of Korea, but with the entire world, and he devoted his whole energy and dedication towards this purpose. He said it this way, “Where there is sincerity and dedication, God will be with you, God will work with you, and God will co-operate with you. But if there is no sincerity or dedication, then nothing can be accomplished. “
I could feel that when Father was sending me out on pioneering and witnessing missions, he did this because of great Cheon Seong, sincerity and dedication. Sometimes he would send me to pioneer specific locations; sometimes he would send me out as itinerary worker to tour the entire country. In any case Father was praying for me while I was gone; he was worried and concerned that I was a very young person then, and perhaps not capable of accomplishing great things.
Each time I would go out, I would leave for periods of 40 days, sometimes 60 days or 80 days. I would take little money with me, so during that time, I would have to eat whatever people would give me and I would have to beg people to let me sleep in their homes or in other places.
When I would come back, Father would receive my report, but as soon as I finished it, he would say to me, “All right, when do you want to go out again? You need to go out again; how soon can you go out again?” At the time, I remember thinking, “How can he be this way? I was out so long; he should let me sleep here at least one night before sending me out again!”
Nevertheless, this was how urgent Father felt that he needed to save the people both internally and externally; he wanted to work as quickly as possible in order to bring salvation to the people of Korea. That was his concern for Korea and his concern for the church in Korea.
Father would say that from the time he came to know the Will of God, he could not rest for even a minute or even a second. He never would say to God, “Oh, I can’t do this,” or,” this is too difficult for me.” Instead he would comfort God, “Don’t worry God, I can do this; I am confident that I can do this. I will do this,” And he encouraged us to do the same.
I remember when Father would pray in his sermons. He would give his sermons with his entire strength; all his energy would be poured into those sermons. I remember how Father would speak with such energy, and even in the winter, by the time he was finished, his clothing would be soaked through. Sometimes he would weep as he was speaking; sometimes he would laugh. He would devote his entire energy to the extent that his clothing would be so soaked that we would have to hang them up to dry after he was finished. That was how much Father invested himself in his words.
I am sure that as God was listening to Father’s sermons He must have been moved. God must have felt, “Yes, I can accomplish the Will through this son; he will realize it on the earth.”
When Father first arrived in South Korea from the North there were only three people with him: Mrs. Ok Se Hyun, Mrs. Ji Seung Do and also our Rev. Kim Won Pil. But, regardless of that, Father was absolutely certain, absolutely confident that he could accomplish God’s will on this earth.
Father never acted for his own sake; instead he always acted for the sake of the salvation of humanity. And it was not just in the matter of evangelism; in the matter of business Father devoted the same degree of sincerity and dedication.
He would say, “I am not doing this for my sake or just for the sake of this small group, but I am doing this to bring salvation to the entire humanity.”Father was always thinking of salvation for humanity and he was putting his life on the line for the sake of that salvation.
The same is true for us today. If we are only doing something for ourselves, it has little meaning and it is nothing much; but if we do it for the sake of our country, if we do it for the sake of the world, if we do it for the sake of bringing salvation for the whole of humanity, then it has value. That is where our sincerity and dedication should be directed.
Father accomplished his responsibility before he passed on to the spiritual world. Of course, we would have liked it if he could have been with us a little longer, but Father accomplished all the responsibility that he needed to carry out, and he established his representative body and inheritor. He paved the way for Cain and Abel to be able to unite. A historically very difficult thing was accomplished during Father’s life.
So we need to understand that Father did not do this as some kind of a game or some kind of a joke; he did it because he was completely serious about bringing God’s will on this earth. So we need to follow; we need to submit ourselves to Father’s will and to unite with that representative body and that inheritor, so that God’s will can be accomplished on this earth.
Father established the Second King as his representative body and his inheritor because he saw that he had in him the potential and the ability to accomplish the internal and external responsibilities that would have to be carried out.
When Father established his representative body and inheritor, he did not do so lightly; he only did because of very deep prayer, sincerity and dedication. We need to believe that. Especially the people who belong to Sanctuary Church are people who are able to connect to Father’s heart and are able to walk this path.
Hyung Jin Nim as the Second King of Cheon Il Guk, has been given a great and hugely important responsibility and he is praying and offering his Cheon Seong, sincerity and dedication, in order to accomplish. Therefore, we all need to unite with him, to pray with him and to work with him so that he can be victorious.
Think how it must be; think how it must feel to have been given the responsibility, the mission of Father’s representative body and inheritor. It is a fearful thing. However, the Second King though, is devoting his whole sincerity and dedication in order to accomplish that. Therefore, we need to unite with him and to work with him for that purpose.
Look at the situation of the disciples 2,000 years ago: Philip, whom we just read about, and also Thomas, and even Peter who was the head of the disciples! Jesus said that he would deny him three times before the cock crowed and sure enough when the people said, “Oh, you are one of the people who are following Jesus, Peter said, “No, No! I am not!” and exactly at that point when he denied Jesus the third time, that is when the cock crowed.
So let us not be like that! Let us not be like the disciples of Jesus! Let us not doubt, let us not betray, but let us unite with the Second King and continue to work with him. Let’s remember Father said that from the time he came to know God’s will, he never doubted, he never thought that this was not going to work, that he could not do it; but instead he always maintained confidence.
So let us also model ourselves after Father rather than after the disciples of Jesus and let’s also be as Father was for us, so we can accomplish his will on this earth. I am sure that if we unite with the Second King, believe in the mission that he has been given, and if we believe in him, then we can accomplish things on this earth.
I am often reminded these days of how urgent Father was to accomplish God’s will and how much he wanted to realize God’s Kingdom on this earth. I think we need to check ourselves all the time to see if we are having the proper attitude, and if we are putting ourselves in the proper position in order to accomplish God’s will. Father did not doubt even slightly, even the smallest bit, so we need to model ourselves after that, and we need to do as Father did.
When we do that, I know that God will help us. He will have to help us, because when He sees our sincerity and dedication, when He sees our attitude, Father will help us and the entire spiritual world will help us. When we believe in that, we will be able to carry out God’s work and bring about God’s victory here on this earth. When we believe that God will work with us, when we believe that Father and the entire spiritual world will work with us, then we will be able to bring forth victory on this earth.
When we believe and have conviction, then God will give us the power to judge; 2,000 years ago, Jesus said, “Those who believe in me will be saved, and those who do not believe in me will be destroyed.” The same will be true: those who believe in the Word of God will be saved but those who reject it will go the way of destruction. That is the mission that we are given in today’s’ world.
When we go out and tell people that Father is the One, that he is the returning Lord, we will be able to plant great joy in their heart.
I remember that when I would go out witnessing, if I was really filled with the spirit, people would testify to me. One person said, “Oh you look like a person who is filled with the truth and is bringing the truth. “That’s what the person said, just a person that I happened to pass by on the road. Another woman who was selling sweet potatoes alongside the road said, “Oh, you don’t seem to be walking, you seem to be flying; you look like a bird.” This is the way people would testify to me when I was filled with the spirit.
When we look at the Israelites at the time of their Exodus from Egypt, it looks like many people came out but in fact only their physical bodies did; unfortunately those physical bodies were destroyed in the wilderness. Out of the first generation, only Joshua and Caleb were able to go into Canaan and plant the flags of victory declaring, “We have gained victory here!”
Egypt symbolizes hell or the secular world and Canaan symbolizes the Kingdom of Heaven. Today we are mocked by people and branded heretics, but when we go forward with complete conviction, we will be able to gain victory and establish God’s will on this earth.
Today our Canaan is the Kingdom of Heaven; that is where we are going. At the time of the Exodus only two, Joshua and Caleb, who believed in the possibility and the victory that was coming were able to survive the wilderness and go into Canaan. The others were all destroyed and became food for birds of prey in the wilderness.
Father taught us, but even though he taught us, we were often still not able to learn; we were not able to really listen to him, and to make his teaching a part of ourselves. If we can open our minds to Father’s teaching, if we can receive it into our hearts and have complete conviction in the victory of Father’s will, then I know that we will be able to accomplish God’s will on this earth.
According to the view of the secular world, Father has passed away, but I know that he certainly lives. The time is coming now when kings, queens and heads of governments will come, bow to him and recognize him as the owner of the Principle and as the Savior for all humanity.
Isaiah says that the Messiah is coming from the East and that people will worship him and bow down to him. People will see and recognize and they will dedicate themselves to the Divine Principle and to accomplishing God’s will.
We need to check ourselves day by day, and make sure that we are not falling into the kind of doubt that Philip or Thomas experienced, but instead that we have complete conviction in the coming kingdom, that we have complete conviction that people will recognize this, will come to Father and bow down to him. When we have that conviction, we can bring it to pass in this world,
Thank you very much,
Translation: Tim Elder
According to the view of the secular world, Father has passed away, but I know that he certainly lives. The time is coming now when kings, queens and heads of governments will come, bow to him and recognize him as the owner of the Principle and as the Savior for all humanity.