Mrs. Hyun Shil Kang
No one is more precious to us than God, True Father and the 2nd King, Feb 9, 2017
Today we are going a path which is different from other people. The secular world and other Christian churches are still waiting for the Lord to return but we believe in and we are following the Lord who has already returned.
While he was on earth, the Lord gave us so many tasks to accomplish. Now he is in the spiritual world and he is very concerned and worried how we are going to accomplish and build the Kingdom of Heaven of CIG.
I ask myself how much I experienced the Lord when he was here; how much I learned from him. That really pains my conscience. Everything he gave us; everything he taught us was so that we could be the royal subjects who could accomplish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. But I realize now that I did not take advantage of all those things that he was giving us. That makes me feel very sorry.
We are the elite troops, the soldiers of God who have been called to accomplish his will, to build his kingdom. We need to live our lives with this consciousness. If we do not do that, we will not be able to accomplish it. This is a very serious matter that we need to consider deeply.
Our True Father is the person that all humanity has been waiting for, especially that Christianity has been waiting for. So the focus of our faith has to be our True Father. So whether we are awake or asleep, whether we are praying or we are enduring, whatever we are doing, always our thoughts have to be with God and True Father.
Also we need to understand that before he left the earth, he established the 2nd King as his successor, his inheritor and his representative body. We need to know this, and spread this news to others and make that the center of our faith.
We cannot be saved by money; we cannot be saved by any member of our family, or anyone else. None of them will bring us salvation. Salvation can only come from True God and from True Father, and Father established the 2nd King as his successor and inheritor, the 2nd King and Cain and Abel and the 3 Generation Kingship. So, we need to let the whole world know about this, and we need to make this the center of our lives and our faith. That is our mission.
No one is more precious to us than God, no one is more precious to us than True Father or the 2nd King that he established, and we need to let the entire world know this. Whether we are in poverty or in affluence, whether we are alive or even if we are dead, we need to follow the 2nd King that True Father has established; we need to follow, believe and work with him.
When we look at history, or when we look at the Bible, we see that when people did not behave according to God’s instructions, there were great disasters. We need to think of the age of Noah. In that era, God killed all of humanity except for the eight members of Noah’s family. In Sodom and Gomorrah, because five righteous people could not be found, God turned that city into a sea of fire. We need to really understand that this is a very serious situation that we are in today. But there is hope, because Heavenly Father is alive, True Father is alive and when we believe and follow him, there is a way for us to get through this situation.
We have committed many sins that are unforgivable, yet he forgives us and he gives us salvation. So we need to follow him 100%, even a 1,000 %, to go the way that he has shown us. The results that we accomplish will depend on the percentage to which we believe. So we need to always examine ourselves to see how absolutely we believe.
We need to understand that God and True Father have established the 2nd King. We need to believe and follow him.
The fact that we have come to know this before others, the fact that we have come to experience it before others is not a coincidence. It gives us a mission; it gives us the responsibility to help others also experience what we have experienced, and to know what we have come to know. If we are not able to do this, we need to grab hold of God, grab hold of True Father, grab hold of the 2nd King and pray that we can accomplish that mission.
Let’s not be disappointed; there is no need to be discouraged. God, True Father and the 2nd King are our assets; they are our hope. We can always have hope there and we can always move forward with courage.
When trials come, when difficulties come, we can take God by the wrist and pray desperately, “Please Heavenly Father, please God, help us to save these people, help us to save this nation, help us to save this world.” When we pray that way, God will come to us, True Father will come to us, the 2nd King will come to us, and they will perform an amazing work of the spirit by which humanity can be saved.
Depending on our faith, depending on our conviction, the day in which CIG is established, the day in which the entire world bows down to God and True Father, as the owners of CIG, will be shortened; we need to believe in that absolutely.
Let’s have the faith and conviction, that there is no one more precious to us than God, True Father and the 2nd King. We need to know that my name, everything that I own, my authority, my abilities are things that are needed by God and by the 2nd King. When we believe that God will accomplish his work through the members of the Sanctuary Church, through the people who have gathered around Sanctuary Church, then the result will come in accordance to the degree to which we believe.
I think that we are like the special emissaries of Heaven, we are like the elite troops of Heaven, and when we believe that way, when we move forward with courage then God will work his amazing work of the spirit through us, True Father will work his amazing work of the spirit through us, the 2nd King will work through us and that will accomplish his will. No matter what we are doing, if we always remember what we have to work for then we know that we can finally accomplish Heaven’s homeland on this earth.
Father has gone to the spiritual world but he is not gone. He is alive, and he is still conducting his providence, his work of the spirit here on this earth, not only in the world at large but in the life of each individual he is working, and when we believe that, he will work according to the degree of our belief.
Let’s ask God about everything; let’s pray about everything and ask Him for his guidance as citizens of CIG and as members of Sanctuary Church so we can accomplish our mission and our responsibility.
Thank you very much.
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