Holy Spirit Moment with Mrs. Kang, Feb. 16, 2017
God wants Korea to do his will through Sanctuary Church
1 Corinthians 13:13 13
And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.
Today I’ll be speaking about how 2000 years ago the nation of Israel and also the Jewish people caused Jesus to be nailed to the cross so that he would die there. Because Jesus suffered such an ignominious death, the Jesus people went through a very tragic course in history. In the 20th century through Germany, 6 million Jewish people were killed. But they weren’t just killed, they didn’t just suffer death; their nation, their country was taken from them. This was an expression of the anger of heaven for the crime of having handed Jesus to be executed on the cross.
God is alive and there was a price to be paid for causing his son to be killed. So the Jewish people have suffered more than any other nation in the world. God hates evil, and when Jesus who stood on the side of goodness was killed, there had to be a price to be paid. So through this we can see that God is alive, that He is working his providence through history.
I visited Israel; this was part of my tour of many countries around the world. When I was in Israel I saw a movie; I saw a depiction of the suffering that the Jewish people had experienced. In the film people were crying out, “Please save me, save me!” They were trying to grab something or someone that would save them. It was such a tragic and emotional movie that all the people who were watching were shedding tears.
This type of judgment is not unique to the people of Israel or to the Jewish people. All nations that commit sins are destroyed, and the people in those nations are scattered or disappear. The indemnity for turning Jesus over to the cross was very fearful and very severe.
When we look at Korea in our time we remember that when we were under the colonial rule of Japan, we suffered a great deal. We were liberated from that colonial rule on August 15, 1945. At the time of that liberation our True Father spoke to Japanese people who were in Korea and advised them to get out of Korea as quickly as possible. He said that Korean people were very emotional about their experience and that there was no telling what would happen to them if they stayed in Korea; they would suffer if they stayed so they should leave as quickly as possible. The Japanese people who heard Father speak this way and left Korea did not suffer, but those who insisted on staying did go through a very suffering experience.
From this we can see that truly the wages of sin is death!
We need to understand that in our own lives too, when we go against God’s will we need to pay a price for that. At the time of the liberation, Father prayed for the country of Japan. I heard Father say that although that nation was in a pitiful situation- it just lost the war- he asked God to allow Japan to be at the front line of the continuing providence so it would be the main actor to bring salvation to the world.
As Father has conducted the divine will, we see that Japanese members have been on the front line in every aspect of the providence throughout the world. This is because Father prayed for Japan, took pity on her, and asked God to put Japan at the forefront of the providence. We see today that no matter what country we go to, Japanese members are in the forefront of the providence there.
Jewish people suffered so much because they handed Jesus over to the cross, and Japan did because it caused Korean people to suffer so much during its colonial rule. In history we see that God caused the nations that went against Him to suffer this way; sometimes even using other nations in order to punish them. Israel suffered a great deal; also Japan after the liberation of Korea went through a very difficult course. We see then that countries that commit crimes, that sin against God are destroyed and they lose their people.
We see today that if Korea does not stand right with God, if it does not go the way that God wants it to go, God may use some other country to punish and destroy Korea. So we need to be very careful and understand clearly what it is that God wants us to do in this time, in this age. Our country, Korea, needs to accept and follow the Returning Lord; if it does not do that there will be a price to pay. I don’t know what that price will be; I don’t know what that indemnity will be, but there will be something. It will not be a case that God will simply pass over this without doing anything.
I recently received a phone call from someone in Korea; I asked that person, “How are things going in Korea?” The person said, “Korea is in big trouble right now; the leftist forces are rising up, and our country is definitely in danger”
So we need to understand what God wants Korea to do today. Father came to Korea; he established the 2nd King as his inheritor and successor, the true Cain and true Abel and the 3 generation Kingships in order to realize his will, in order to conduct his providence. If that providence is not accomplished, if God’s will is not established on earth, it will be a terrible thing, and I hate to think of what will happen to Korea then. Korea needs to follow the instructions, the commands that Father gave to us. If I think of what is going to happen if they don’t do that, then I cannot sleep at night.
I find hope in the fact that there is a Sanctuary Church; there are people who have decided to stand with True Father, to stand with God, to accomplish his will, to follow the directions that he gave. So I pray that his will can be accomplished through Sanctuary Church. I hope that the Korean people can follow God’s words, can follow the commands that Father has given so that we can stop the great indemnity that will otherwise follow.
We have with us today 18 university students visiting from Korea. I think that their visit is not something that happened just by chance or by human will or desire, but this is part of the work of God that is going on. I know that they will become treasures for Heaven and that God will be able to accomplish his will through them.
So let’s go this path, and let’s fight and win our battles! Let’s have absolute faith that God is going to succeed on the path that we are going, because this is the true path and He will go with us, He will work with us and He will help us in our work. Let’s remember that the life and death of the 7 billion people of the world is in our hands; we need to be very serious and we need to make sure that everything that we do, and everything that we say is in line with God’s will. So as we work, the world will be re-created and a new world will come about.
I know that as we work, God will be with us and Father will work through us to accomplish things that we cannot even imagine; amazing things will happen. Let’s work with the belief that our work is going to save the people, the families, the nations, the world even the cosmos; that incredible works of the Spirit will take place through Sanctuary Church,
Thank you very much
Today I’ll be speaking about how 2000 years ago the nation of Israel and also the Jewish people caused Jesus to be nailed to the cross so that he would die there. Because Jesus suffered such an ignominious death, the Jesus people went through a very tragic course in history. In the 20th century through Germany, 6 million Jewish people were killed. But they weren’t just killed, they didn’t just suffer death; their nation, their country was taken from them. This was an expression of the anger of heaven for the crime of having handed Jesus to be executed on the cross.
ReplyDeleteGod is alive and there was a price to be paid for causing his son to be killed. So the Jewish people have suffered more than any other nation in the world. God hates evil, and when Jesus who stood on the side of goodness was killed, there had to be a price to be paid. So through this we can see that God is alive, that He is working his providence through history.
ReplyDeleteSo we need to understand what God wants Korea to do today. Father came to Korea; he established the 2nd King as his inheritor and successor, the true Cain and true Abel and the 3 generation Kingships in order to realize his will, in order to conduct his providence. If that providence is not accomplished, if God’s will is not established on earth, it will be a terrible thing, and I hate to think of what will happen to Korea then. Korea needs to follow the instructions, the commands that Father gave to us. If I think of what is going to happen if they don’t do that, then I cannot sleep at night.
ReplyDeleteI don’t think God punishes people. I believe that if someone turns away from doing God’s will, then he cannot protect them from evil forces. It looks like God is punishing but actually, God id still there loving us but he can’t reach us if we are turned away from him.
ReplyDeleteThat said: even looking from an external view, it is clear that HJ Han is leaning left politically, totally not connecting to TF’s views about Defeating Communism. If our church in SoK is wishywashy on Communism, where is the spiritual protection for the country? No wonder the government there is so far to the left. Thank God that Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim are tuned in to what is happening on the political front. I think Trump is very dependent on spiritual world to protect him (for example, I believe one of his food tasters died and another became gravely ill since he became president). I think the spiritual foundation laid by Sanctuary is really important and God is protecting the US both because of that and on behalf of that.
Thanks Franette for your comment, it is helpful
DeleteWhat a great speech that reveals True Mother Kangs' faith, wisdom and love. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great speech that reveals True Mother Kangs' faith, wisdom and love. Thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great speech that reveals True Mother Kangs' faith, wisdom and love. Thanks for sharing.