True Mother Kang Hyun Shil
Father never compromised with Death, February 13, 2017
Reading: The Book of John 14:1 (KJV)
Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
Today, I would like to speak to you about the time when Father became a refugee, escaping from North Korea and coming to South Korea. At the time that Father was travelling south, the Communist Chinese army was coming down behind him, and he had a disciple with him who had broken his leg and had to be carried on a bicycle.
But Father was in the position where he could not simply leave that man behind and go on ahead. It was a very difficult situation; the road ahead was blocked, and he could not allow himself to die. He wanted to move forward but sometimes it was impossible to do that.
Most people, perhaps all people, would have been very concerned about this situation, wondering, “What can I possibly do in this situation? It’s an impossible situation!” But Father though was not worried at all; even in that impossible situation he said he was confident that God was supporting him, God was behind him and somehow things would work out.
Father made a determination then, “I will keep going till I die. “He thought, “Ok! God wants me to even be among the refugees; He wants me to be the refugee who suffers the most.”He told us that he felt that God wanted to save everyone but because of Satan, he could not just wave a wand and do that.
So, in order to save people, He has to put them in the most difficult situation, even in the position of death. That is why many Christians were martyred. Unfortunately, there are not many people who will go forward in that kind of situation of death and put their lives at stake for others.
When Father realized that God was with him, that God was supporting him, he said, “Difficulties do not seems to be difficulties at all.” We also need to be faced with a situation of life and death to deepen our relationship with God.
When Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, he said, “Not my will, but your will be done.” We also need to adopt that kind of a standard. From the individual’s point of view, no one would want to go the way of the cross. The same is true with suffering. But when it is necessary for the accomplishment of God’s will we need to go that way; we need to transcend life and death so that the providence of restoration can be accomplished.
The fall was the time when human beings entered into the realm of death. Therefore, for restoration, resurrection and salvation, we also need to go into that realm of death. Since we 2 have to go that way anyway, we might as well be happy about it; we might as well be joyful as we go that path. If there are many members who go that way, who live that way, then God’s will may be accomplished more quickly.
We who go this path of life and death must be able to transcend that life and death. When Father was fighting Satan he crossed that line of life and death dozens of times, hundreds of times, thousands of times and even tens of thousands of times, and even millions of times. Even when difficulties came against him, when like waves, they kept coming again and again and again, he never compromised the standard that he had established.
Father had the heart that even if the entire world was to be against him, he would still fight and he would still defeat those that opposed him. That was the heart that he had and that is how he gained victory.
Father had hope, even when he was being whipped and even when he was being destroyed; people were trying to destroy him, and still he could embody hope. The person who can maintain hope, who can still embody hope as he is being destroyed, is the most fearful person, because that person cannot be defeated.
True Parents have the responsibility to recreate human beings, humanity that has fallen. True Parents come to the earth with the standard of the parents that have not fallen. Only one person has come to earth with that responsibility. Only one person who is our True Parents has done this; he is the person who accomplishes this.
God existed within Father and Father was in God. Father and God were one body. Jesus also said in John 14: 20 At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.
Father is one who was recognized by God as his son; he was recognized and every word that he spoke was the word of God. When God recognizes Father in that way then everything about Father is true.
True Parents have no relationship with the fall, in other words they are the parents that have not fallen. He is the parent who establishes that standard through whom we can recreate families that are connected to God and that can procreate true children. Father is in the position completely outside of the realm of Satan’s accusation. He is in the standard of completion, beyond Satan’s realm of accusation. It is in this place that the foundation for True Parents can begin.
Jesus also led a very difficult and tragic life; but he did not think of it that way. When Jesus was carrying the cross on his way towards Golgotha, he did not look back on his life, thinking, “Oh! It has all been worthless! After thirty three years I just wound up as someone who is being laughed at. What have I done? I am being treated so unfairly.
“ He did not think it that way at all. Instead Jesus said, “I go in order to accomplish my mission. And even the weight of this cross is not going to keep me from doing that.” He said, “Even if my physical body may not be able to endure, still my spirit, my soul will never be defeated. It will endure and it will gain victory. “So he maintained that kind of heart as he went.
As Jesus was going towards Golgotha with the cross, he noticed his mother Mary, and his disciple John, in the crowd, and he comforted them. So he had that ability to think of them, and to comfort them, even as he himself was going towards the crucifixion.
There have been many great men in history but no one has had that kind of relationship with God that Jesus had.
As the result of Jesus’ life human history took a new direction; and in the last 2,000 years the spirit of Jesus has not been corrupted at all. It is on that foundation that Father came to conduct God’s providence. Father received suffering and persecution, beyond even what we know.
I think that we need to learn the path that Father took, and we also need to go the way that Jesus went.
Thank you very much
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