Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Life Course of True Mother, Hyun Shil Kang

Life Course of True Mother, Hyun Shil Kang

Rev. Lee:

True Father has chosen Mrs. Hyun Shil Kang as True Mother, and gave us the grace to attend this event.

It is an honor for me to report about the life course of True Mother Hyun Shil Kang. True Father has talked about True Mother over 2,000 times and has also said that she was the seed that the Unification Church needed.

Even though she was persecuted constantly and mocked she has come out beautifully victorious.

True Mother Hyun Shil Kang was the first one to attend True Father in South Korea; she is the church's ancestor. She is a very small woman but she will be remembered next to True Father's name.

True Mother Hyun Shil Kang was born as a first child on September 15 1927 by the solar calendar (20th day of the 8th month by the lunar calendar). Her father was religious with a strong sense of responsibility. He always emphasized, in his family, the importance of absolute faith; he did a good job in sowing faith in his daughter.

When the Japanese took over Korea, they forced the Koreans to go to the Japanese Shinto shrines and worship their gods. But Hyun Shil Kang's father refused to do this; he was taken to prison and was tortured. He died of his injuries after being released.

In March 1949, she joined Beomcheon Presbyterian Church (Busan, Korea). Three years later, she heard of a young man in Bomnekol. She began to pray to God to know if she should visit him. On May 10, 1952, she received an answer from God that she should go and visit him.

She went there and found Mrs. Ok Se Hyun who introduced her to True Father for the first time. He was wearing Korean style pants and western top with American army socks. She was surprised to see the small hut built of cardboard and mud. She thought that anyone living in that poor house must have resentment at having to live so miserably.

True Father asked True Mother Hyun Shil Kang, "Where are you from?" She replied that she was from such a church, and that she came to witness. Father said that she came on a timely day as he had just finished writing a book after escaping from North Korea. This was the day that he finished writing the Divine Principle and he had gone up the hill to pray.

True Father asked her to listen to some of his words. He was talking in a booming voice and jumping up and down; Hyun Shil Kang was shocked at how powerful he could be. Then she understood that Father was giving the Word to the whole spiritual world.

For several days, True Mother Hyun Shil Kang listened to True Father. She realized that what this young man was saying was true. She was also deeply moved by a most sincere prayer he gave; she became the first disciple after Father came down from North Korea and wrote the Divine Principle.

On July 20, 1953, True Father gave Mrs. Kang the mission to pioneer Daegu City, which was a stronghold of Christianity. He told her, “Pioneering is not easy but if you believe and have faith in God, He will guide you and work through you.” She has lived all her life with this faith in God and in True Father.

In April 1954, True Mother Hyun Shil Kang was appointed as nationwide (South Korea) itinerary worker with the mission to visit spiritualists and Christian leaders; to be a missionary to groups and spiritual people. From then she went around and testified in 40-day conditions. In 1954, Korea was so poor that there was no room for anyone; so she had to ask people to let her stay in their homes.

On June 1956, Hyun Shil Kang pioneered the first church in Dae Jeon, Korea

True Father declared that a new age and a new world was coming; and that the Lord of the Second Advent had arrived. He explained the importance of making this statement. Mrs. Kang met hundreds of women.

One of them was very spiritual; she explained that she saw her sounding the archangel's trumpet, which signifies the coming of Christ.

In 1959, for 7 years, True Mother Hyun Shil Kang witnessed in a park and she reported to True Father on a daily basis. When she was witnessing, some people supported her, but a lot of them were against her. Sometimes people came up to her, slapped her and assaulted her but she still went out every day rain or snow and continued. Also, since she did not have permission to speak there, the police harassed her.

True Father explained to her that she had to go outside to witness regardless of the weather condition, because this was the frontline of the war between God and Satan. He told her, “Even if there is no one to witness to, you must still go and preach the Word, or walk around and pray.” So, she went to the park every day.

Then she had a mission to visit colleges and universities teaching young people about the dangers of communism.

In 1971, she was assigned as an itinerary worker of the church to teach Christian audiences about the Word of the Messiah. Many Christians were touched by her words; some testified that her words were like God's. During that time, she went to Israel and explained that she really felt the heart of Jesus there.

Now I Read a Letter She Wrote to the True Father:

"Today I want to give you words of celebration as an offering, as a condition so that all the people with whom I speak can have connection with the True Father. So, even though I know I am not worthy, may you please accept this offering!”

In December 1990, she was one of 12 people that True Father sent on a mission to Japan. From 1991 to 1996, she travelled to different countries.

In 1996, Mrs. Kang was appointed as National Messiah for the Russian Federation. She listened to their reports and started activity in Russia. She said that Father prepared her for these people. Sometimes she saw Jesus smiling; and each time something good would happen.

In the year 2,000, Mrs. Kang was appointed as Federation Chairwoman for Seodae - Mun, Seoul Korea.

In 2016, she received the Blessing to return to True Father's authority; in March, she sent her resignation letter to the Family Federation and came to the wilderness of Pennsylvania.

True Mother Hyun Shil Kang has devoted her whole life to True Father. She prayed because she could not understand the betrayal of the Han mother; she had a hard time believing that True Mother left the position and could say that True Father had original sin. She could not accept the interpretation of the Han mother. After this spiritual battle, she decided to cut off her connection with her.

She came to the Palace of the three Kingships to attend True Father’s heir and the 3rd King. She has been protecting the true lineage, which is what the Han mother should have done.

I would like to end with True Father's words: “The True parents have to have a holy marriage but the first and second did not work out; the 3rd time will be the last.”

True Mother Hyun Shil Kang Biography and ascension


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