Wednesday, November 25, 2020

About Mrs. Kang, from Sanctuary member

Excerpt from Sanctuary member John Clark

About Mrs. Kang

Mrs. Hyun-Shil Kang spoke at Sanctuary Church today in Newfoundland.

She is 90 years old and has been following Father for 65 years. She visited his cardboard shack in 1952 to witness to him. She is the first member to join in South Korea.

She will be living with Hyung Jin Nim’s family from now on in Pennsylvania and dedicate her final years to helping him. She joined before the 36 couples and before Mother’s family. She is probably the earliest member living today. Father called her The mother of the Unification Church. This is a nuclear bomb in Korea against Mother’s credibility. Many more Koreans will come out as Sanctuarians from now on.

Why do you think she flew to the US at 90 years of age against her doctor’s advice to join Hyung Jin Nim in Newfoundland, PA instead of joining Hyun Jin Nim in Seattle?

Because she wants to continue serving Father as she has done for 65 years. She is convinced an amazing spiritual work will come about through God and Father working in spirit world and Hyung Jin Nim and us working on earth.

Should we all have an election to decide Father’s heir in the sole line of authority?

  • How much should your vote count compared to Father himself?
  • How much should your vote count compared to Mrs. Kang, the woman Father called the mother of the Unification Church?

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