Mrs. Hyun Shil Kang A real story
said, “I’m going to take this Word, and I’m going to unite Christianity. I am
going to unite the world. I am going to unite the Cosmos.” I said, “What do you
mean Cosmos?” Father said, “That means Heaven and Earth.” So, he’s thinking
about all this in this small room, where two, maybe three people can gather,
and he’s talking about uniting Christianity and unifying the world, I was
thinking to myself.
said, “Do you have a Bible with you?” I said, “Sure, I have a Bible with me.”
He said, “Open the Bible to any page;” so, I did that. The verse that I picked
was, “Oh, ye of little faith.” It was where Jesus was scolding the Disciples
for having little faith.
day, I was on the road to the Seminary, and I saw a man and a woman fighting;
and, they were fighting, fiercely. They were almost drawing blood from each
other. As I watched them fight, I said to God, “How is it, we can resolve this
kind of evil in the world, to make these kinds of people live together; yet,
when I had that kind of doubt in my heart, I couldn’t move. I could not go
forward. I could not go backwards. I could not go left or right. My two feet
were just glued to the ground.
have been, expelled from my Seminary. I have been, expelled from my Church;
and, I lost all my friends. The persecution was so fierce against me at that
time, I was just thinking of just leaving. Just leaving Father and not working
with him anymore. Finally, I was able to go from there, to where True Father
was; and, I was climbing the hill towards his hut, when I came to a pine tree;
and as I passed that pine tree, I decided, No matter what he says today, no
matter what happens, I am going to tell him, “I can’t do this anymore.” I am
going to quit. I am going to leave him. I am going to say, “Good-bye!”
when I met Father, and greeted him, I noticed he was completely different from
what he was before. Until then, he was glad to see me, and asked if I had
anything to eat. This kind of thing; but on that day, he was very fierce.
Before I could say anything, Father looked at me, and he knew what I was going
to tell him. In fact, Father is a person who knows our past, he knows our
present, he knows our future. He even knows our descendants. Father was looking
at me with a completely different expression from before, and this is what he
said to me then.
said, “I’m a crazy man. I am a crazy person. I am crazy about loving God. I’m
crazy for accomplishing God’s Will.” Therefore, I was not able to say,
“Good-bye” to Father that day; because, the reason was, I also had to become
crazy for God’s Will. I also had to be crazy to accomplish the Will that God
has been waiting for two thousand years. Father knew that I came to him to say,
“Good-bye” to him that day. In order to keep me from leaving him from going on
this path, he had to tell me, he was a crazy person; that I was also crazy for
accomplishing God’s Will; so, I would be inspired to that as well.
here is going on a difficult course; but your course is different from what
Father went through. Father was imprisoned six times; and, no matter how much
difficulty we have, that difficulty is small compared to the difficulty Father
experienced in prison. When you overcome that difficulty, you will become the
victors that will be, remembered in history.
want to say just one more thing. Father asked me, “Are these things I just made
up; or, did they come from God?” Father wanted to know about that. Then Father
said, “Are you curious from where they came from?” I said, “Yes, I am.” Father
said, “Well, pray and ask God. He will tell you where these teachings come
from.” I thought, in Christian history, there are many intelligent people who
came up with intelligent teachings and theories, but were never able to put
those into practice; so, I thought, this is going to be like that as well. This
is just some person that came up with something, that sounds good; but it is
never going to come about. But, when I thought that way, I experienced
something very strange. For the next three days, I was not able to speak.
could not speak; so, I did not go to Father for three days. Then, on the fourth
day, Father asked me, “Why I hadn’t come for three days?” And I told him,
“After you told me to pray about where these teachings come from, I had
tremendous difficulty internally, and also externally, in terms of my time. So,
he asked me, “When you prayed that way, did you have some sense of doubt within
your heart?” I said, “Yes, I had some doubt.” He said, “It was because of your
doubt that you were not able to speak.”
I am a person, who has not been able to speak, and having my feet glued to the
ground, and not being able to walk. After these experiences, I realized, God is
really working here. Therefore, after that, I determined myself to go this path
to the end.
Some people may doubt these things; but I am telling you the truth as they happened. You can imagine how God must feel that he takes an unqualified person such as me and works through me to accomplish His Will. Let us everyone her unite; and, let us work to bring Victory with Hyung Jin Nim, and to God’s Purpose here. Thank You.
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