The 3-Generation Kingships, July 10, 2017
Mrs. Hyun Shil Kang
Bible Reading: Book of Hebrews 4:12-13
12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. 13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.
Good morning everyone,
Today I will speak to you about The 3 Generation Kingships.
There is no greater relationship of love than that between a father and a son; the father and the son are willing to put their life on the line for the sake of each other. This means that the relationship between Father and Hyung Jin Nim cannot be severed even by the universe itself. This also means that Father is always with Hyung Jin Nim. This is a relationship that cannot be severed by the universe and yet the Family Federation is trying to sever it.
Father chose Hyung Jin Nim as the person who would lead the providence after his passing. He chose Hyung Jin Nim as his representative body and inheritor, and crowned him three times. Father’s successor cannot be changed by any human being; even Mother cannot do this. This is a decision made by the King of Kings, and in fact he even chose Shin Jun Nim as 3rd King.
So why did Hyung Jin Nim have to leave the Cheon Jeong Gung palace in Cheong Pyeong? It is because he is the representative body and inheritor. And why did Kook Jin Nim have to leave the Tongil Foundation and come to America? It was a wise decision on his part.
The Family Federation is saying that the True Children have a 5% responsibility and I don’t deny that; there is a responsibility when a person is chosen to be the inheritor and representative body. It’s because Hyung Jin Nim accomplished his portion of responsibility that Father appointed him as inheritor and representative body. It’s because he fulfilled his responsibility that Father had him wear the royal robes of the king and had him crowned.
It makes no sense to say that Hyung Jin Nim had to fulfill his responsibility after he was crowned. It is because he fulfilled that responsibility that he was crowned. So are you saying that Father would go ahead and crown him and later wait and see whether or not he would fulfill that responsibility and depending on the result take that back?
Father told the leaders of Family Federation that looking at Hyung Jin Nim overall, he realized that there was no one that exceeded him. But there are many people who don’t know this.
The principle is that you have to accomplish your portion of responsibility first. Father did this and he declared that Hyung Jin Nim had been victorious, but there are many people who do not recognize this because Mother does not recognize it.
It appears that Mother has a different measuring stick or standard from Father and yet the Family Federation insists that Mother is one with Father.
The position of the inheritor, successor and representative body has to be passed down, to the person who has been victorious; that is the principle. We need to think about this very seriously.
Father did not conduct the providence in such a haphazard manner. I don’t think that True Children necessarily reach perfection simply because they are born into this world. They have a portion of responsibility; that’s true! True Children are born in this world to accomplish their portion of responsibility; through that they complete their character, establish a family and establish dominion over creation.
That is how the ideal of True Parents is connected to the succeeding generations. Just because a True Child is born does not automatically mean that the providence is connected there. Because the earth has been conquered by Satan True Children have been subjected to the continuous attacks by Satan.
Even Jesus was attacked by Satan. Father said that the True Children might have to be sacrificed for the sake of the providence. This is because Satan attacks the True Family without ceasing in order to destroy it. Unfortunately True Children have been subjected to continuous temptations and difficulties. The second son Heung Jin Nim passed into the spiritual world, and also Young Jin Nim and Hyo Jin Nim passed on. The True Children carry extremely heavy burden and face tests and trials.
Even if the True Parents were victorious, if there was not a True Child to carry on that victory to the next generation, the providence would not be able to continue. Fortunately the 7th son Hyung Jin Nim was victorious in maintaining the standard of absolute sex, and was able to establish a family.
We need to think again about what happened in Adam’s family in the Garden of Eden. Eve was at the perfection level of the growth stage when she was tempted by the archangel, and took the fruit. After she fell she dominated Adam and caused him to fall as well. Adam became the false husband and Eve the false wife and they became false parents; Cain and Abel were born into this false family after the fall.
God worked with Cain and Abel for the sake of establishing the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance so that the messiah could be sent to the earth. But because Cain killed his younger brother Abel, the providence of restoration through Adam’s family failed.
The Family Federation says that Hyung Jin Nim was un-filial towards his mother but that is not true. Let’s look at this more closely. The focal point of the current situation is Father. It is a question of whether we maintain Father’s words and tradition or not.
Hyung Jin Nim is at the center of this situation, and he is crying out that Mother has left the original position of the True Mother and that the Family Federation leaders are not attending her as they should. The issue is whether or not we maintain the words and traditions of the Messiah but the Family Federation leaders are changing the issue into one of whether he is filial towards Mother.
Did Hyung Jin Nim ask to be given the position of King quickly, more quickly than Father wanted to give it to him? Did he ask for money? No! He did not, and he is not trying to chase Mother out, nor is he trying to say that he himself is the Messiah.
None of these situations apply to him; all he has done is ask that we follow Father’s words, institutions and traditions. He speaks with the authority of the representative body and inheritor; he is warning members of Family Federation to return to True Father’s authority.
He is scolding the Family Federation leaders, because they are saying that the era of Father’s messiahship is over, and now is the era of Mother’s messiahship. He is saying that the fact that Father has passed into the spiritual world does not mean that the era of Father’s messiahship is over. He is crying out that the Family Federation leaders should not destroy the foundation that Father has built.
Surely Hyung Jin Nim was aware that all he had to do was to just close his eyes to unrighteousness and just go along with it. And once Mother would pass, all the power, treasures and finances of the Unification Church would have come under his control. But he could not do that because as Father’s representative body and inheritor, he felt the responsibility to maintain Father’s words and traditions and not to compromise with that.
This is not being un-filial; this is the most filial action. Right now he is persecuted because of his filial piety. After Father’s passing Hyung Jin Nim was forced to take himself out of all his public positions; he could not even remain in East Garden. He had to come to the wilderness of Pennsylvania.
We need to think of Hyung Jin Nim’s position of having to come into PA this way. He gave up all his positions, glory and honor in order to protect Father. How can this be termed lack of filial piety? How can this be termed as turning against True Parents? This was the most filial act because he was the representative body and inheritor. This is what he had to do; this was his responsibility. I ask you to listen to his sermons.
Right now we are deciding whether Father’s words will be passed down from generation to generation or whether they will just end with one generation, end with Father’s passing and be changed, and adulterated. We are also deciding whether Father will simply be a person for one era or whether he will be a person for all eras of the future. We are deciding whether Father’s purpose of coming as the Messiah will be fulfilled or whether that will be cut down and undermined.
Those who are trying to interpret this as a power struggle between mother and son do not understand the essence of this issue. If Family Federation is wrong then we must stand up against it; trying to explain it away with term like, ‘Being un-filial” is not the way to do it.
It is True Father who is at the center of this issue right now.
Who is the person who did everything he could to protect Father’s life until the end and who is the person who tried to shorten that life because of humanistic reasons?
Who is trying to maintain the standard of their blessing that Father has passed on, and who is trying to change that standard?
Who is the one who is trying to protect Father’s words and who is the one who is trying to change those words, add new words to them, and delete other words?
Who is trying to maintain and protect the lineage of Father and who is trying to eliminate that lineage?
Who is trying to protect the inheritor and representative body of Father, and who is chasing that person out?
I know that all of you recite the Family Pledge. Please look carefully at verse 3: Our family, the owner of CIG, pledges to perfect the 4 Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships and the Realm of the Royal family by centering on true love.
Are you fulfilling this? Are you doing everything you can to establish and protect the Three Great Kingships? If you are not doing that, then you had better change the Family Federation when you recite it. You need to change it to ‘you pledge to deny and reject the 3 Great Kingships and the Realm of the Royal family’.
You need to know what was the most painful for God after the fall and throughout the providence. In the Garden of Eden God lost the lineage of Heaven and lost the siblings and all the family of Heaven.
Lineage is more precious than life and more important that life. Lineage is produced when love and life come together; without love or life there cannot be a lineage. Among love, life and lineage, lineage is the fruit. God’s love is resident in lineage. The completion of one’s character is also possible within the context of lineage.
We must remember the importance of lineage. It cannot be overemphasized.
Thank you very much.
Father chose Hyung Jin Nim as the person who would lead the providence after his passing. He chose Hyung Jin Nim as his representative body and inheritor, and crowned him three times. Father’s successor cannot be changed by any human being; even Mother cannot do this. This is a decision made by the King of Kings, and in fact he even chose Shin Jun Nim as 3rd King.
ReplyDeleteHe is scolding the Family Federation leaders, because they are saying that the era of Father’s messiahship is over, and now is the era of Mother’s messiahship. He is saying that the fact that Father has passed into the spiritual world does not mean that the era of Father’s messiahship is over. He is crying out that the Family Federation leaders should not destroy the foundation that Father has built.