Saturday, December 10, 2022

Teaching from the Book of Isaiah and Divine Principle

Mrs. Kang sharing

January 15, 2017, Newfoundland, PA

Rev. Hyung Jin Moon

I want to invite Mrs. Kang up very soon. As you know, she is broadcasting with us every day. It is such an actual blessing for us to be with such a patriot for God’s Kingdom. You know, she is ninety years old; and, she had to leave everything. She has all the respect in the worldwide Church. She has all the accolades. She’s literally the Mother Theresa of the worldwide Church. She’s in the history books. She’s in Father’s autobiography. She is literally, as Father has called her, she is literally the Mother of the Unification Church.

Being with her is actually wonderful. Being in her nineties, it really reminds of us of being with Father. We had meals with her all day, yesterday - breakfast, lunch and dinner. She, of course, is having the Hoon Dok Hae broadcast with us every morning as well; but, after dinner, we started singing Holy Songs with her. After lunch, too. She was singing to me Holy Songs, and the old hymns of the Church they use to sing in Korean.

She has a beautiful voice. She has a wonderful voice. She’s still so lovable. Our kids come up to her and everybody gives her a hug and kisses her. Hey, Mrs. Kang, “How come you got all these young men kissing you? That’s not proper for a ninety year old lady.” We play these kind of fun jokes with her. She’s just part of the family. She’s like a grandma. So, they call her Grandma Kang; and, we’re going to have a whole system, where we kind of raid her room, and we sleep over in her room every day, with different teams going in a sleeping.

You know, we served Father when he was in his nineties. It was such an  important practice. It was such an important practice of expanding one’s love and one’s heart. Really, kids nowadays don’t really respect elder people, but to care for them; and, as they don’t learn those things, they don’t get those epigenetics of love; because, they don’t realize, I’m going to get old, too. One day, I will get old, and if I treat the elderly people in my family like this, then it will happen to me.

So, serving Father for two years, when we were with Father was actually such a massive blessing. The Han Mother would always use to say, “How come you like all the things that Grandpa’s liked? Drinking tea, and sitting around, and meditating, and calligraphy, Asian calligraphy. It was like those Asian Grandpas who do Tai Chi and have those long beards. They sat around and do that; but, there’s a whole World there, and just spending time with her, and hearing those old-school songs, and really feeling her passion. She’s even ninety, but she’s on fire for Christ. She’s on fire for God.

That is something incredible, something amazing. I could see, while she was singing, I was just kind of taking it in. I was just taking in these great big deep breaths, while she was singing. Just to take it all in, and hearing the beauty of those words that she was singing. What was the song she was singing? Oh yeah! “I’ll wait for you at the gate of Heaven,” or something like thing that. That’s one of her favorite songs. Right! That’s a pretty amazing song. I never heard that one.

But ah, wow! Such incredible songs. It almost takes you back in this kind of, you know, across time. You almost feel like you’re sitting in the early days in that little cardboard hut, and they’re singing these hymns with two people there. Eventually, of course, Father would cover the Earth.

But, it has been such a blessing for us to be with Mrs. Kang. You know, I have been telling her many, many things. We know, because we served Father directly in his nineties. People in their elderly age, they really want to know what’s going on. They want to be told what’s going on; but, nobody tells them,

because they don’t want to have their deference and all this kind of thing. They’re human beings, too.

They want to know what’s going on with your life. They want to know what’s going on with you. They want to know what’s going on with the kids. They want to know all the details; so, we were telling about Friday, when we were with the kids. We went to Bluestone, and we butchered the pig that we had. Shin Pal put him down; and, the other kids gutted it, and butchered it, and prepared it, etc. Those kind of stories. Just what we did on Friday.

Then, I was telling her about the Peace Police, and the Peace Police training, and the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training, and the girls training. I invited my wife to come in. I invited the girls to come in. These girls are tough. They look weak, but they’re deadly. They are, you know, getting more deadly. She got inspired by that. I said, “Mrs. Kang, you got to come and also watch.” I said, ‘at least watch us training; so, you at least receive the young people’s energy.” She said, “Okay, I’ll go!”

She said, after that, if you see the broadcast, I’m always talking about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and stuff like that as well. So, she said, “No! I need to exercise more.” We just put a lift in for her. A temporary lift. We have one piece, and it goes up both stairs. She’s been using the lift, which goes up one flight of stairs, then get off, and get another one; and, it’s been pretty cool. She gets to fly in the Palace; so, whenever she uses it, I say, “You’re flying Mrs. Kang. You miss the clouds.” It was yesterday night, she said, “I’m going to exercise. All this about training. “I’m going to do my own training. I’m going to exercise. I’m going to climb these sets of stairs. So, she went up the whole set of stairs, yesterday; and, today, she is now filled with the Holy Spirit. She’s just getting stronger and stronger. She said, “I don’t even need to use the thing. I’m just going to go down slowly.” She just used her cane to come down the whole set of stairs. That’s huge. Let’s give her a big round of applause. Isn’t that wonderful?

She just pushing herself. She’s motivated. She’s getting motivated by all you guys who are training. All you young people who are training. She’s getting motivated. She’s getting your energy. That’s a good thing.

I want to invite her up. She really is a tremendous blessing. Can we bring her up to the stage? As you watch her, you can see, notice every day when she is on the broadcast, she preaches from the Bible. Every day she has Scripture, which she teaches from. That is the early Church. That is how the early Church was. It just that it got highjacked by all these Archangels that totally knew nothing about the Bible; and, they changed that entire culture, which was there. I mean, did you hear Father preaching? He’s constantly preaching from the Bible.

But, you have it filtered down through this layer and that layer, and this layer and that layer, and this layer and that layer; and, by the time it gets down, it’s totally pagan. All the biblical stuff has been taken out. But, when you watch her, you watching living history. She’s one of the first Disciples. She pioneered every single one of the cities in Korea – Seoul, Pusan, Daegu, Tae Jun, Jeong Ju. Almost every major city.

This woman is the one who pioneered it, when nobody was there. Isn’t that incredible? So, in four years, she like has come a long way; because, she has pioneered so often in her life. She has seen how hard it is to pioneer. She really is a living legend; and, a living testament to God’s love. She is a testament to a true woman, to a true Bride of Christ. In the First Generation, I said, “Look, you are indemnifying what the Han Mother couldn’t do.” You’re keeping that gateway open, so other First Gen Senior members can repent and come back to True Father’s Authority. That’s a very important thing she’s doing; and, of course, she has a massive influence on everybody in the worldwide Movement; because, she really is the Mother Theresa of the Unification Church. So, with that, let’s welcome the lovely and wonderful Mrs. Kang. Everybody, let’s welcome her.

Mrs. Kang’s sermon:

Today, I will be teaching from the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 41:1-2

41:1 Keep silence before me, O islands; and let the people renew their strength: let them come near; then let them speak: let us come near together to judgment.

41.2 Who raised up the righteous man from the east, called him to his foot, gave the nations before him, and made him rule over kings? he gave them as the dust to his sword, and as driven stubble to his bow.

Today, even in the day of Isaiah, a great man would come from the East. So, in Korea, there were many who prophesized, that when Christ would return, he would return to Korea. Of course, Isaiah made this prophecy, but also from this group in Korea. There was also a prophecy that a great man would come from the East.

Father told me, it needs to be record in history, when Jesus returns, he returns to the East, and that a new history begins in the East. He said, this needs to be recorded; so, this can remain a historical record. He said this to me in 1954, when we first put up the sign for the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. At that time there were other groups who were very active in society and in politics going to the government, going to different agencies saying, ‘Jesus is coming. Jesus is coming to this country; so, we need to prepare for his arrival. They would go to people and say, “Jesus is coming to this country; so, this message, this news, this has to be spread to all people, and they also came to the Unification Church.

It was just a few days after we put up the sign that they came to us. They were happy to see we had a message similar to theirs. We were also say that the Lord of the Second Advent, that Jesus return would come to Korea; and, so Father, he let them stay in the Church and he fed them for several days. He stayed in our Church for several days.

At that time, there were no other places in the world that were saying that returning Christ is coming to Korea; but, they came and they saw that the Lord had returned, that he was there, that he was in Korea and they were very overjoyed to receive this. One of them, when he came to meet Father, he said, yes, this man is the returning Christ. He knows all about the civilizations of the world. He knows all about the history of the world. He knows the Bible backwards and forwards. He knows everything about the Bible; so, I am convinced he is the returning Christ, and he testified to True Father that way.

This was actually the eighth day of the fourth Lunar month of 1954. That is the birthday, especially in Korean Buddhism, that is the birthday of Buddha. These people were having a great festival for Buddha; so, Father instructed me, Mrs. Kang, to go and attend that festival.

So, we established a firm relationship between their group and the Unification Church. Also, at that festival, Mrs. Kang was able to give a message entitled, “The Mission of the Korean People.” The head of that religion was so happy that I attend, they prepared a special meal, like we prepare for Father; they also prepared a meal for him. He had the members of this religious group prepare the same meal for Mrs. Kang, so she could also eat with him; and, they said the Lord is returning to Korea; and, they said there leader was that returning Lord. They were happy, and Father was happy that there was another group that testified that Jesus would return to Korea.

So, Mrs. Kang maintained that relationship for a long time after that; and, many of their members heard the Divine Principle, and they testified the fact that this really is from God. This really is the wonderful truth, and the guidance that the Unification Church received is also from God.

This was not the only group in Korea at the time that was saying that the Jesus would return to Korea. There were a lot of people, a lot of group who would pray and offer sincerity and dedication, and who were receiving revelation that Jesus was returning to Korea. Many such people came to our services, and they said that it’s wonderful that the Unification Church is teaching this, that what the Unification Church is teaching is truly God’s Will, God’s desire, and that God was working His spiritual Providence through the Unification Church.

Many Christians changed their denomination from the Church they were attending to the Unification Church; but, it wasn’t just Christians. Buddhist, also, stopped going to their Temple and started coming to the Unification Church, and many Confucianists also. Many people of various religions came to the Unification Church.

Isaiah testified the Lord would be coming, a righteous man, a good man would be coming from the East. Everyone here is a fortunate person, because you’ve been able to meet that person. You’ve been able to form a father-son relationship, a father-daughter relationship with that person. I know that you’ve been working hard already, that you’ve done much already; but, I ask you today to work even harder to accomplish Father’s desire; because, Father who is in Spirit World now can be joyful as a result of that.

Thank you very much.

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