Mrs. Hyun Shil Kang
Blue Stone Testimony Night, July 28, 2017
Unofficial Translation
Hello everybody, I am really grateful to meet all of you; seeing your faces makes me really happy. Today I am going to talk about the time when I met True Father.
I have known True Father such a long time- 66 years! Today is going to be about the past, when I met True Father. I was born in a Christian family- both my parents were Christians- so, from the time I was very young I used to go to church and attend Sunday school for children. Since my parents were very faithful it made me think a lot about life, and how to live honestly and truthfully. The reason for that was that Jesus embodied honesty and truth. I thought that if I lived my life with honesty and truth I would be able to go where Jesus Christ was.
A long time ago, Korea was under Japanese occupation, and we had to bow to the Japanese king. My parents refused to do that, so it was very hard for them; they received a lot of persecution. Their only King was Jesus Christ; because of that, they had a very hard life. My parents were in jail; they were treated violently. As Christians, it was very hard for them; they received more persecution. However, they believed that going through this hardship and overcoming it was a way to get closer to God. They believed in that, so they could endure the hardships.
Sometimes hot pepper was poured into their eyes and nose; when that happened they thought of how Jesus died on the cross for us, and how their ordeal was, nothing compared to what Jesus had to go through. They sang praise songs with a grateful heart. We know of the martyrs who spent 60-70 years in jail and who only came out when they were dead.
Even though it was really hard for Korean mothers to endure, it was something that they had to go through. My mother was always praying in silence; when I looked at her, I could see that she was overcoming things for her faith. She was really a role model for me.
All of us gathered here today, as Sanctuary people we are going to receive a lot of persecution and go through a lot of hardships; it is not going to be easy. Therefore, we need to remember the olden days and what Korean Christians had to go through; we need to go through a lot of hardships in order to reach the point of gratitude.
When I was walking on the street and saw a good place, I would stand there, tell the crowd about Jesus, and try to bring people to church. Whenever I was at church or somewhere outside, I was all the time witnessing about Jesus; this was the most important thing for me. I did a lot of witnessing on the street or anywhere. I am really proud of myself for giving Jesus’ words to people.
When I told Father that I was doing street witnessing, he told me to continue doing that. When Father told me to do street witnessing, I felt that this was my life mission. I was very thankful for that. Whether I was going to do street witnessing or anything else, I was going to put all my heart into it.
The first thing was witnessing, the second thing was believing in Christ and living with Christ. Wherever I went, I was praying to God, “I love you God and I believe that You love me as I love You. I live in You and I hope that You live in me.” Therefore, I would put all my heart into praying and thinking about God, and just believing in Him.
I would always pray, “Please let me meet Christ; let me meet your Christ!” Then as I prayed this way, I was the very first to be able to meet True Father when he arrived in South Korea. I was missing Christ and just loving Christ; the first thing I always thought about was to witness about Christ.
When I met True Father and I told him that I was going to witness to Christ, he said, “Oh! You are very stubborn! You wanted to meet Christ first and then witness to him, that’s why you are able to do that.” I think I am the first woman in Korea that was trying to witness to Father. Then after I entered the Unification Church, Father told me, “Aren’t you embarrassed by the fact that you tried to witness to me, but I am the one who witnessed to you?” I was putting all my heart into prayers and doing Jeong Seong in order to meet Christ - to meet True Father- so when I was a missionary this college student came up to me and said, “On top of the hill there is this student; I think he believes in Jesus but he does not come to church. So why not try to witness to him? “Because I was trying to witness to that student, I was able to meet Father; the student on top of the hill was True Father! 3 I looked for information about where Father lived. This woman said, “He lives on top of the hill, but there are a lot of people living there. “ I tried hard to find the place; it was not easy. As I stopped by the river to wash my hands, this elderly person came to me and asked me what I was doing there. I told her that I was washing my hands and that I believed in Christ.
When I told her that I believed in Christ, she told me, “Come to my house!” I followed her. The house was made of cardboard and rock put together; it was a very small room. There were not even newspapers stuck on the walls. I prayed and felt that if I was living in such a house, I would be resentful.
As I was sitting there waiting, this strong-looking man just came. He was wearing a Korean style jacket and traditional army pants. I thought, “It does not match at all. It does not look good at all.” Much later Father told me, “I was wearing a mix of Korean and Western clothes as my outfit, but I was not embarrassed at all.”
Father asked me when my birthday was and I told him it was May 10th, and he said, “Oh this is a very meaningful day for me. When I came to South Korea, I was writing a book. When I finally finished writing the Divine Principle, I prayed to God, ‘Since I finished writing the Divine Principle, this afternoon I am going to witness to people. Please God; let me witness to someone who believes in Christ and who is a saint-like person.’” And the person Father met was me!
When I met True Father the first thing he told me was, “Today is a very meaningful day, because a daughter that God loves so much came to this place.” And he told me, “In the last seven years, God has loved you so much.” I thought, “I did not meet him seven years ago, so how does he know me?” You have to understand that Father knows the present, past and future and he even knows your ancestors. Through him, you can experience God so close and feel that He knows you very well.
Father told me, “I came from North Korea, I was so lonely and the first person that God sent to me was you.” Seeing Father happy touched me deeply. Father also said, “I came here to make this world a better place for all people on earth.“
The room we were in was very small, so Father could have spoken softly and I would have been able to hear him. However, I was surprised because Father was shouting at me and he was moving forward, leaning back, moving left, and right. Why would Father be talking so loudly?
We need to understand that Father did not come here to rescue one or two people or just one or two countries. He came here to rescue the whole world and not just the whole world but also even the spiritual world. Therefore, when he was talking he was putting all his heart into his words. At that time because I did not know Father at all, I thought, “Oh I came to the wrong place. My ears are going to explode. I want to go back.”
Father really had confidence. He told me, “Kang Hyun Shil, when you are witnessing on the street it feels like you are acting. However, either it is about Satan takes you or God takes you. And when you speak to the world you have to speak as if you were the one stealing that person back to God. “
So how did Father witness to me? Because he was talking with such a loud voice and I felt, he was very strong internally! He did that because he did not want Satan to take me, and because Father did not want Satan to steal me he would stay at night talking to me. When he would start talking, it would never end; he would go for hours and hours.
I want to tell you today all of you who are gathered here to have confidence. Always be motivated by God. When I am doing something, witnessing to people or anything, if I put all my heart into it and focus on not letting Satan take that person, then God can come.
One time I was going to a Christian school and I saw this man and this woman fighting each other; there was blood everywhere and when I saw those people I prayed to God, “In this world there are very weak people like these people, but will they change, and will heaven ever come to this world? “And God replied to me, “You know, witnessing to people starts from one; it starts just from you, and then it will spread to Korea and it will spread all over the world.”
I was really touched by Father’s words. I found that Father believed strongly that this world could become good and become a more loving world; that we would be able to make the world that God had always wanted to create.
You who are gathered here if you are not sure whether this way is good or not, it won’t work; truly know that this is the path that we have to go through. Truly believe and if we have that kind of mindset and go this way, we will be able to realize the place that God always wanted to create.
Father’s plan was for the people on the earth, for the people who died and are already in the spiritual world, and for those that are coming in the future. He was thinking of all those people and of a way to save them, and looking for a way to make this God’s place. Father had a heavy responsibility. I wish today for everyone to understand that we need to have this kind of mindset.
So, Father was talking three hours and he was talking really strongly. After these three hours, Father finished and said, “OK, today we stop here.” Then he told me, “Stay and have a little dinner” I said, “Oh no, my house is just down there, come to my house, and we can have dinner there.” But Father took over my spirit and he said strongly, “No, you are going to stay and have dinner here.” So I stayed. The table was made of simple wood put together; the plates were made of aluminum and not in a good state. Even the food consisted only of tofu and barley rice. Father told me to pray but because for three hours he had been scolding me very hard, I had no confidence to pray. So Father said, “I’ll pray!”
Normally when we prayed, we said, “Oh God, please give me this, give me that. “ But Father was different, he was the opposite, he was saying, “God I will grant You your wishes; I will make this place the place that you always wanted to create!” And when he was praying, he was crying very hard. Seeing that was like a shock to me. I was really touched by his prayer.
When I was going back home, I was thinking that if I had not had dinner there, I would have been witnessed to by Father. But because I received so much, through the blessing wishes from his prayer, I was able to be witnessed to by Father.
In the past, when I was praying I was always trying to receive something from Christ, but Father was different; he was always trying to give to God. I was really touched by that. When you are witnessing it is not always easy to go out on the street, to shout with your hands out, and say, “I believe in God.” It’s not easy to do that, but through his shimjung Father gave me strength and the belief that I could be like that.
When Father witnessed to me, first he would pray, “Since I came to South Korea this is the first person I witnessed to.” He would always start his prayer this way. Then he told me, “Since I invested so much shimjung, you can never leave because I prayed for you.” Everyone, when you are trying to witness to people, if you put all your heart and pray, then you can move the person’s heart. That is how Father witnessed to me.
When he was talking about the Divine Principle, he did not start from the first chapter, he started from the very last chapter and I was moved by it. So please have confidence and you will be able to move people’s heart and then a path will open for you.
After Father witnessed to me, I could not leave; for three days I could not say anything. I think this was because of Father’s power. The path that we are going now has to do with the spiritual world, and this is the path you have to walk. You can’t leave, you have to go. So keep those words in your heart and always act as Father did.
When Father witnessed to me, he was really happy and he was telling everyone, “I witnessed to her!” Every time Father witnessed to people, he would tell everybody, “These people said that the words I am giving to them are true so that’s why they came here” and he would always kind of show off to people about it. He also talked about me many times.
We need to offer all our heart and shimjung so that we can touch Father’s heart and shimjung and realize what kind of mindset he had.
I was listening to Father’s words; I was going there every day. There was not even one day when I did not go there. I came to this Bible quote, “And it will come about in the last days, says God, that I will send out my spirit on all flesh and your sons and your daughters will be prophets, and your young men will see visions, and your old men will have dreams. “
I was really surprised because this was happening to me as well. I would dream about it, and I would see visions; so I told Father, “What is this? What is happening? “Father said, “Oh you are going crazy! “ I said, “I am going crazy, what shall I do? “ And Father said, “You are not going crazy, you are receiving God’s blessing, and God’s love.” When I was having spiritual experiences, I would write what happened in my notebook. One day the police came and they took everything we had, so they took all our notebooks. I am quite sad because I don’t have it right now.
If you have a very deep shimjung like Father, and if you are grateful in everything you do, God can show you; God can tell you and God can lead you. The problem is not going through this path and receiving a lot of persecution but believing what Father showed us. If you do as I do you will experience the same thing.
We say that we harvest what we sow; as we walk the path and reflect on all that we have gone through, we will realize that it was all true. Since our life is short it needs to be meaningful. We should live a life that we will not regret. If you do not live this way, when you are old you will be resentful and you will regret very much.
When we pass on to the spiritual world, we won’t be able to hide what we did; it will all be revealed. It will be the time when you will be able to see your past. Because of that we need to live the life that God wants, a life such that we can have God inside us, we can have True Father inside us, and we can live in Jesus and Jesus can live in us. And if we live like that, then wherever we go, God will always be with us. We need to live in a way that we are not ashamed. There will be a time for victory.
Today as we live in this world, we need to construct heaven in our mind. What is hell? It is like these small figures in the light that we see now in front of us. They look strong and it feels like we are going inside that fire. We do not want to live like that. Even though they can take everything we have, we cannot let them take the prayers that we could offer to God, and the mind that we want to be with God. If we live like that, God will give us a blessing, not only a blessing for us, but also for our ancestors and for our future families and children. Let us live like that; let us step on top of hell and go to heaven.
We have to be under the dominion of God. It is either being under the dominion of God or that of Satan. You have to remember that God is alive. You have to write it inside your heart, “God is alive!” and we have to be under God’s dominion.
What we have to do is to witness to people and bring them to Sanctuary. We have the Second and Third Kings with us. We need to let them have the victory and change this world into what God wanted. If we want our spiritual children to be blessed it is we who have to live well. We should not lie; we should not just live our life as if it was nothing. We need to believe the miracle that God gave us.
I think two hours have passed since I started talking but when I see the King talking for three hours I wonder how he can do that. It is hard to do that! I could talk for three hours but if I did you would say, “Oh, she is letting us hear her for three hours.” Therefore, I am going to end early.
God is love and He is the king of victory, so in order for our children to have a really blessed life, it is us that have to change. All the things I said we need to inscribe in our hearts. If we live like that, we will be respected by God and God will praise us, and we will live such a precious life.
I will end here today because there are people who have to work tomorrow, but I will say one more thing. Please do not waste this life; live this life meaningfully. We will be judged if we do something wrong. I want every one of you to have some kind of motivation or make a decision tonight.
We need to live like True Father. True Father lived in hardships, but even though he had a hard life, he could laugh. He laughed even in the hardest times; he was so happy. If we live like that, God will come to us, and there will be time when Christ will be with us; so we need to be the ones who can recreate this world. Mrs. Kang sings a song and prays. The song that you just heard I sang to Father more than fifty times; whenever a gathering was finishing he was always asking me to come and sing. Today I thought about Father and just thinking of him made me want to song this song. Even when my voice did not come out right, Father always told me that I sang well.
Thank you so much
I would always pray, “Please let me meet Christ; let me meet your Christ!” Then as I prayed this way, I was the very first to be able to meet True Father when he arrived in South Korea. I was missing Christ and just loving Christ; the first thing I always thought about was to witness about Christ.