Mrs. Hyun Shil Kang
Citizenship in The Kingdom of Heaven, March 10, 2017
Bible Reading: Philippians 3:20
For our conversation is in heaven from whence we also look for the savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Today I would like to speak to you about ‘Citizenship in the Kingdom of Heaven’. We know that the fall of human beings came about because of their faithlessness. So there is something common to all religions on this point; all religions say that in order to be saved you have to believe.
The hope of humanity is to be able to believe that God is our Father and to be able to attend Him and be one with Him as our Father. For those who are able to know that God is our Father, who are able to attend Him and are able to experience Him as our Father these is unlimited grace to be experienced.
We want to know that God is the Living God; this is an important point. One Japanese member came to visit me yesterday. I mentioned this point to her that God is a Living God. This person was very surprised because she had never experienced God as a Living God; never felt that he is a Living God in her life. This person was very happy, very glad to be able to hear these words, that God is a Living God. She said, “If I can feel, if I can experience God as Living God, then my life will change.”
This morning let us believe that God is a Living God, know and experience that He is with us and we can inherit everything from Him. And if we can experience that we are the children of God, the children of True Parents who are able to receive their love as we live on earth, there will be nothing greater than that.
We need to be in such position that through the blessing we can receive His true love and we are His children. If we can be there, then our citizenship will be in the kingdom of heaven. So our citizenship is in 2 heaven; if we can feel and understand that it will give us great hope for our lives.
If we are a citizen of a certain country, we have certain rights associated with that. If a person says, “I am a citizen of the United States,” for example, that person has certain rights and he can feel security for that. Also countries around the world give that person certain rights based on his citizenship in the United States.
If a person is a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven that person will have the right to be next to God, to be next to our True Father, to go within that realm where he or she will be with Father. So a person who can believe that he or she is a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven is a truly blessed person because that person knows that they have a certain security in heaven.
It is very important for us to have that conviction and that belief that we are citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. I always live with the belief and the understanding that I am a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven.
One time in Korea, I was walking on the street with that conviction and belief, and I came across an old man, a fortune teller, who told people their fortune based on their bone structure and their face, and he looked up at me and said, “You are a person who is holding a great truth within you.”I was amazed because this person must have had some kind of a spiritual sense and he was able to look at me in that spiritual way.
Another time I was walking down the street in Korea and came across a woman who was selling baked potatoes. The woman said to me, “When I see you walking, you are not actually walking; you seem to be flying, as if you were on an airplane. “ I laughed to myself.
I did not have to explain myself to these people. They already knew what kind of person I was just by looking at me; they could see and feel that. I felt grateful that God would show it to them.
Another time I was hungry and felt I should have something to eat before I went home. I went into a restaurant and ate a meal. When I went to pay the bill, the restaurant owner said, ‘No, you don’t have to pay. A young man sitting on the other side of the restaurant paid for your meal already.” I felt “Wow! That’s really amazing!” This young man had nothing to do with me, had no relation to me. I felt that God was always with me, and taking care of me.
These kinds of things that other people might think difficult to believe, it may seems that they are not true but they are; such experiences happened to me quite often in my life.
Another time I went into a restaurant and had a meal that was pretty expensive, but again when I went to pay the bill the restaurant owner said, “No, it’s already paid for; a man sitting at another table paid for your bill.” So again I felt that God was with me. I felt that my citizenship was not in any earthly satanic kingdom or nation, but that it was in Heaven; in fact in the Kingdom of Heaven that is why I could be with God and God could be with me and help me in such a way.
So this morning let us all believe that our citizenship is in Heaven. When I say ‘heaven’ I don’t mean somewhere up in the sky, I mean our citizenship is with Heaven, with God in the spiritual world. If we can believe that, know that, and have that conviction, then God will be with us.
I hope that everyone who listens to this broadcast today will be able to live their lives as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, as people whose citizenship is recorded in God’s Kingdom.
I want to give one example: this is something that actually happened to me. One time I went to the city of Kongju in South Chungcheong Province in South Korea. Father had instructed me to go around the country, and meet Christian ministers lay leaders men and women in Christian congregations and also spiritual people. So I made several laps around Korea and met these kinds of people.
I got to the city of Kongju, and was walking along the street; someone was coming the opposite direction. I asked this person, “Is there a room that I can rent for the night?” The person asked why I needed a room. I said, “I believe in Jesus and I am passing through this town. I want to witness here for about ten days before I go on, and I need a room where I can stay during that time. “
This woman was actually a member of a church, and a lay leader; she said, “Well you can stay in our home for a while.”So that’s what I did. This person said, “I have been a Christian for a long time but I have never heard of the Divine Principle.”
So I lectured the Divine Principle to her. She exclaimed, “Wow! Some of the things you said are not in the Bible but when I think about them, they are true; that’s right, it makes sense. “She was very happy. I lectured the Divine Principle there and she said, “You know this is really fantastic; you seem to know a lot about the Bible. There is a man who lives a few miles from here. He has very deep faith and he is a lay leader in our church. Lets’ go talk with him; you can tell him about what you are teaching me.”
This man said, “You know I have always felt that my spirit was pretty high, but when I look at you I see that your spirit is a little bit higher than mine. You really are a wonderful person; I can tell that you know the secrets of heaven, you know God’s heart, you know God’s mind. I am very happy to meet you.”
I went back to the woman’s house. After that she treated me very wonderfully, gave me expensive rice, and served me a lot of meat. She said her husband was a professor at Seoul University, the highest university in Korea. The woman brought other members of her church to her home so I could also lecture them the Divine Principle. I stayed in her house like that for about a week.
I was about to leave, and the woman said, “Wait a minute” and she went back into her house and brought something that was wrapped in newspaper. The woman said, “In the past two months I have not been offering my tithe to my church; I have been keeping the money in my closet, but as I see you leaving I feel that I need to give this to you.” So she gave me her two months tithe.
I said, “I can’t take that; this is your tithe! If I was to take this, God would punish me; this is very fearful money. “But the woman said, “I am not giving this to you; God is giving it to you. So if you don’t accept it, God will really punish you.”Finally I took it with me.
I went on to the city of Cheonan also in South Chungcheong Province. There a minister that I had some personal acquaintance with was having a revival. But he opposed me so much that I left a fifteen page letter for him. In that letter I wrote, “Stop waiting for the Lord to come on the clouds! The Lord has already arrived; he is already here, so you need to prepare to receive the Lord.”I left this letter for him and went on.
When I met Father and told him about all the experiences I had, he smiled and said, “You know you are a much happier person than I am. People that you don’t even know pay for your meals, and give you money so you can buy a cake like this. God is blessing you a lot!” and we chuckled together.
So let us understand; let us know that our citizenship is not in any satanic nation or kingdom; it is in Heaven. Let us live that way so that God will remember, so that True Father will remember, so that the Second King will remember, and so that our lives will remain centered on that citizenship.
Thank you very much
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