Mrs. Kang Hyun Shil
Sunday Service, January 8th 2017
Translated by Tim Elder
I would like to greet everyone in Sanctuary Church today. I am so glad that so many people have come. I am grateful to God, to True Father and to Hyung Jin Nim.
Today I would like to tell you something that Father told me when he would send me out on a witnessing mission. Father would say: “These words are not just the words of the secular world, these are words of God; so you must give these words to every person you meet, and especially you must convey these words to the Christian saints who are strong believers.” At that time he would read me a verse from the Bible. These words were something that every Christian knows, every Christian even if they are a child, an adult, any place in the world; if a person is a Christian they would know this verse. This was John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”
And then Father said this: “I give you the authority to judge; so as you convey these words, I want you to judge many people.” These are the words that Father gave me: “Those who believe will receive eternal life and those you do not receive these words will be destroyed.” Father said that. This may be fearful. How can I accomplish this mission? I was very worried.
And Father told me: “The Lord of the Second Advent whom the Christians are waiting for, the Maitreya Buddha whom the Buddhists are waiting for, the True Man that the Confucians are waiting for, the Chong Do Ryung that is prophesied in the Korean texts, you must tell people that that person has come on this earth.”
He told me I must be confident and strong in telling people that those who believe in this Lord of the Second Advent, in this Chong Do Ryung, in this True Man or this Maitreya Buddha, who has come to this world, will receive salvation and those who do not will be destroyed. He told me to go around the country testifying to the Lord of the Second Advent, testifying to the Maitreya Buddha for the Buddhists and the True Man for the Confucians and to the Chong do Ryung for those who believe in the Chung Gam Nok prophecy of Korea, and to tell them that actually all these people are one, and that this one person is the Lord of the Second Advent who is our True Father. This is what he told me to say.
This was a strange thing for people to hear. It is not something they were accustomed to hearing, but every place I went to and everywhere I spoke these words, amazing works of the spirit would happen.
One person did not believe in Jesus but he was able to communicate with the spirit world quite a lot. I showed him a photograph of the founding of the Unification Church on May 1st 1954, and this person looked at the photograph and he looked at all the people who were there and said: “Oh! I have discovered something incredible today.” He pointed to Father in the photograph and said: “I see in this photograph this man is going to unite the world.” I was very surprised. He had never seen Father, he did not know Father, he had seen this photograph for the first time, but he said: “This man is the Son of God; this man is the Lord of the Second Advent who has come to unite the world.”
This man, if he had not believed what I told him, he would have been destroyed, but I just had to tell him one time and to show him that photograph and he believed. I was surprised. I did not have to say anything to him, actually; I just had to show him one picture, and he could see in that picture - and he pointed to Father – that this man would unite the world. When he said that, I was very happy; I started clapping, I started clapping by myself. It is really true, Father is the son of God and he has come to unite the world!
This man was someone who would be invited to the inauguration ceremony of each president of Korea. He would speak at the inauguration and say: “The country is going to do well now; the people have chosen a good president.” That experience helped me to believe that Father was not just a regular person, that he was even greater than the president; he was truly the son of God who had come as the Lord of the entire universe. It gave me tremendous joy in my heart to know this.
Father gave me the authority to judge that those who believed what I said would be saved, and those who did not would be destroyed. I believed Father’s words completely; because I believed those words completely, I had complete faith in what he told me, and the fruits of these words could come about.
I want to ask you today to truly believe that Father is the Messiah, the Savior, the Lord of the Second Advent, and the Lord of the universe. When you go out and you testify to Father in that way, with complete faith, I am sure that people will come with both hands raised and fill this hall. It will not work if you do not believe, because then you will not experience that kind of work of the Spirit.
Please believe that when you go out with complete belief, 100%, absolute belief and testify to Father in that way, the people who believe will receive salvation and those who do not will receive damnation. It does not matter who says those words, it does not matter who conveys God’s words; whether it is a child, an adult, or a famous revivalist, no matter who says those words, it is the word of God that brings judgment.
There are many Christians today in the world who are waiting for the Lord of the Second Advent; there are many Buddhists waiting for the Maitreya Buddha, many Confucians waiting for the True Man, many people who believe in the Chung Gam Nok waiting for the Chong Do Ryung. So when you go out and testify to them, they will all realize this is where they can find that person; but you have to believe completely and testify that way.
In Acts 2: 17 it says that in the Last Days the old will dream and the young will see visions. If people here in Sanctuary Church believe and testify in that way, those words of the Bible will certainly come true and bear fruit in this congregation.
2,000 years ago many works of the Spirit were also seen; old people had dreams, the young had visions and they prophesied. This is how the early church of the disciples and the apostles was able to grow so quickly. No one should think,” I cannot do anything”, because when you are filled with the Spirit there is nothing that you cannot do. You can go out and do anything when you are filled with that Spirit.
Don’t say, “We cannot witness”; don’t say, “I am trying to witness but it is not working.” When you go out with the authority to judge and you testify to Christians about the Lord of the Second Advent, to the Buddhist about the Maitreya Buddha, to the Confucians about the personal figure that they are waiting for, when you do that, your faith will bear fruit.
Especially because this is not just a normal church; this church is the church to which Father gave the name ‘Sanctuary’. Father has given his blessing to this church and certainly if you determine yourself, “I am going to realize that blessing, I am going to make that blessing a reality”, then this church will be the church which will stand in the forefront of all churches in the world. Today there are many Christian saints who are waiting for the Lord of the Second Advent.
Father could never stand to see me staying at home. He would say to me: “Don’t you realize how many people are waiting for you to tell them that the Lord of the Second Advent has come? What are you doing at home? Get out there and witness!”
No one should consider themself a guest in this church; each of you is an owner, and each of you should take responsibility for the church, by yourself, individually. Father used to scold us a lot during the early days of the church. I was scolded a lot. He would tell us: “Why aren’t you acting more like owners, why aren’t you acting more like sons? Why aren’t you taking responsibility yourself? Why are you thinking that someone else will do this, someone else will take care of this?” He always encouraged us strongly and scolded us to act more as owners of the church.
Don’t do it because you feel forced to, don’t do because you have to, but do it out of an enthusiasm that wells up within you like a fire, and when you do that God will work with you, Father will work with you and our Second King , the successor and heir will work with you. This was not something that you began. God started it; God knows the past, He knows the present and He knows the future. True Father who is in spirit world now has desired this.
Please note that God wants so much, Father wants so much to be able to do his work through the Second King, through his representative and heir. Please be determined that before you leave this world, you will absolutely accomplish this task. When the Holy Spirit filled the disciples in the upper room on Pentecost, from that day on they ate together, they shared their clothing, they did everything together and they were of one heart, and they worked together in that way. That’s how they were able to build the church. I ask you to do the same from now on.
I believe and I ask all of you to believe that if we all become one with our Second King, then incredible works of the Holy Spirit will happen, more than we can even imagine. People who have been prepared will come here one after another. But it will not work if you do not believe. It will only work if you believe. We need to understand that when everyone here without exception believes with absolute faith and moves forward with that faith, then incredible results will come forth.
Father gave me that authority to judge a long time ago and when he did, amazing things happened. I would go some place and some people would have prepared a meal for me already before I came, or somebody would have prepared clothing for me, and not only that. Many people came to me to hear the word; I did not have to go to them.
Father was always waiting for me to return. He would wait with sincerity and dedication to hear my report. For example, when he was eating a meal and I was reporting, he would put food on his spoon and he would bring up to his mouth, but he would not put it into his mouth, he would wait for me to finish my report before he ate that food. And I would think: “Father, I wish you would eat”. He would have the spoon right in front of his mouth, but if it took me ten minutes or twenty minutes he would just leave it there and just wait for me to finish. Father was always very curious. What did you hear? What kind of works of the Spirits have you witnessed? How are the Christians receiving these words? He was very curious about those things.
Father was living upstairs in the old Cheong Pa Dong Church, and he would come down to the first floor and he would say: “Has Kang Hyun Shil returned?” He would always be waiting for me to come back and report. I remember how Father would even not sleep at night waiting for me to come and tell him, report to him what I had heard that people say. When I think about that now I feel very sorry.
And so I travelled all around Korea, to every place in Korea testifying to the word, and acting as the judge. So here in Sanctuary church too when you have the Holy Spirit in you, that you cannot even sit still and you want to go out and convey the word, spread the word even to one more person, when you go out with that kind of attitude great results will happen. I want everybody here to believe that. If you believe, it will be accomplished according to your faith and if you do not believe, it will not work.
I have had many experiences like this. Later, at some other time I will tell you about my experience. But today please have that kind of faith! Let’s believe that way. You just have to believe that way and go forward, and it will happen. God who performed great works of the spirit in the past can certainly do the same today. I believe that God will also perform the works of the spirit here in Pennsylvania.
So I ask everyone to go out with the authority to judge, so that many people may be caught up in your net and be brought to this hall. We are not the ones to do it; it is God who does it. True Father is doing it. The wonderful hearts of Second King Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim is more than enough to move the heart of God. I hope that the spiritual work of victory will happen in this congregation.
So let’s turn the world upside down. The way the world can be turned upside down is if the sick are healed, the dead are resurrected and those who are without faith receive faith and testify that this is true. When will that happens? I do not know how long I will be here, but as long as I am here, I will convey to you the words of our Father, so that we can have a church that is alive, a church that is on fire.
Thank you very much
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