Saturday, December 10, 2022

Teaching from the Book of Isaiah and Divine Principle

Mrs. Kang sharing

January 15, 2017, Newfoundland, PA

Rev. Hyung Jin Moon

I want to invite Mrs. Kang up very soon. As you know, she is broadcasting with us every day. It is such an actual blessing for us to be with such a patriot for God’s Kingdom. You know, she is ninety years old; and, she had to leave everything. She has all the respect in the worldwide Church. She has all the accolades. She’s literally the Mother Theresa of the worldwide Church. She’s in the history books. She’s in Father’s autobiography. She is literally, as Father has called her, she is literally the Mother of the Unification Church.

Being with her is actually wonderful. Being in her nineties, it really reminds of us of being with Father. We had meals with her all day, yesterday - breakfast, lunch and dinner. She, of course, is having the Hoon Dok Hae broadcast with us every morning as well; but, after dinner, we started singing Holy Songs with her. After lunch, too. She was singing to me Holy Songs, and the old hymns of the Church they use to sing in Korean.

She has a beautiful voice. She has a wonderful voice. She’s still so lovable. Our kids come up to her and everybody gives her a hug and kisses her. Hey, Mrs. Kang, “How come you got all these young men kissing you? That’s not proper for a ninety year old lady.” We play these kind of fun jokes with her. She’s just part of the family. She’s like a grandma. So, they call her Grandma Kang; and, we’re going to have a whole system, where we kind of raid her room, and we sleep over in her room every day, with different teams going in a sleeping.

You know, we served Father when he was in his nineties. It was such an  important practice. It was such an important practice of expanding one’s love and one’s heart. Really, kids nowadays don’t really respect elder people, but to care for them; and, as they don’t learn those things, they don’t get those epigenetics of love; because, they don’t realize, I’m going to get old, too. One day, I will get old, and if I treat the elderly people in my family like this, then it will happen to me.

So, serving Father for two years, when we were with Father was actually such a massive blessing. The Han Mother would always use to say, “How come you like all the things that Grandpa’s liked? Drinking tea, and sitting around, and meditating, and calligraphy, Asian calligraphy. It was like those Asian Grandpas who do Tai Chi and have those long beards. They sat around and do that; but, there’s a whole World there, and just spending time with her, and hearing those old-school songs, and really feeling her passion. She’s even ninety, but she’s on fire for Christ. She’s on fire for God.

That is something incredible, something amazing. I could see, while she was singing, I was just kind of taking it in. I was just taking in these great big deep breaths, while she was singing. Just to take it all in, and hearing the beauty of those words that she was singing. What was the song she was singing? Oh yeah! “I’ll wait for you at the gate of Heaven,” or something like thing that. That’s one of her favorite songs. Right! That’s a pretty amazing song. I never heard that one.

But ah, wow! Such incredible songs. It almost takes you back in this kind of, you know, across time. You almost feel like you’re sitting in the early days in that little cardboard hut, and they’re singing these hymns with two people there. Eventually, of course, Father would cover the Earth.

But, it has been such a blessing for us to be with Mrs. Kang. You know, I have been telling her many, many things. We know, because we served Father directly in his nineties. People in their elderly age, they really want to know what’s going on. They want to be told what’s going on; but, nobody tells them,

because they don’t want to have their deference and all this kind of thing. They’re human beings, too.

They want to know what’s going on with your life. They want to know what’s going on with you. They want to know what’s going on with the kids. They want to know all the details; so, we were telling about Friday, when we were with the kids. We went to Bluestone, and we butchered the pig that we had. Shin Pal put him down; and, the other kids gutted it, and butchered it, and prepared it, etc. Those kind of stories. Just what we did on Friday.

Then, I was telling her about the Peace Police, and the Peace Police training, and the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu training, and the girls training. I invited my wife to come in. I invited the girls to come in. These girls are tough. They look weak, but they’re deadly. They are, you know, getting more deadly. She got inspired by that. I said, “Mrs. Kang, you got to come and also watch.” I said, ‘at least watch us training; so, you at least receive the young people’s energy.” She said, “Okay, I’ll go!”

She said, after that, if you see the broadcast, I’m always talking about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and stuff like that as well. So, she said, “No! I need to exercise more.” We just put a lift in for her. A temporary lift. We have one piece, and it goes up both stairs. She’s been using the lift, which goes up one flight of stairs, then get off, and get another one; and, it’s been pretty cool. She gets to fly in the Palace; so, whenever she uses it, I say, “You’re flying Mrs. Kang. You miss the clouds.” It was yesterday night, she said, “I’m going to exercise. All this about training. “I’m going to do my own training. I’m going to exercise. I’m going to climb these sets of stairs. So, she went up the whole set of stairs, yesterday; and, today, she is now filled with the Holy Spirit. She’s just getting stronger and stronger. She said, “I don’t even need to use the thing. I’m just going to go down slowly.” She just used her cane to come down the whole set of stairs. That’s huge. Let’s give her a big round of applause. Isn’t that wonderful?

She just pushing herself. She’s motivated. She’s getting motivated by all you guys who are training. All you young people who are training. She’s getting motivated. She’s getting your energy. That’s a good thing.

I want to invite her up. She really is a tremendous blessing. Can we bring her up to the stage? As you watch her, you can see, notice every day when she is on the broadcast, she preaches from the Bible. Every day she has Scripture, which she teaches from. That is the early Church. That is how the early Church was. It just that it got highjacked by all these Archangels that totally knew nothing about the Bible; and, they changed that entire culture, which was there. I mean, did you hear Father preaching? He’s constantly preaching from the Bible.

But, you have it filtered down through this layer and that layer, and this layer and that layer, and this layer and that layer; and, by the time it gets down, it’s totally pagan. All the biblical stuff has been taken out. But, when you watch her, you watching living history. She’s one of the first Disciples. She pioneered every single one of the cities in Korea – Seoul, Pusan, Daegu, Tae Jun, Jeong Ju. Almost every major city.

This woman is the one who pioneered it, when nobody was there. Isn’t that incredible? So, in four years, she like has come a long way; because, she has pioneered so often in her life. She has seen how hard it is to pioneer. She really is a living legend; and, a living testament to God’s love. She is a testament to a true woman, to a true Bride of Christ. In the First Generation, I said, “Look, you are indemnifying what the Han Mother couldn’t do.” You’re keeping that gateway open, so other First Gen Senior members can repent and come back to True Father’s Authority. That’s a very important thing she’s doing; and, of course, she has a massive influence on everybody in the worldwide Movement; because, she really is the Mother Theresa of the Unification Church. So, with that, let’s welcome the lovely and wonderful Mrs. Kang. Everybody, let’s welcome her.

Mrs. Kang’s sermon:

Today, I will be teaching from the Book of Isaiah, Chapter 41:1-2

41:1 Keep silence before me, O islands; and let the people renew their strength: let them come near; then let them speak: let us come near together to judgment.

41.2 Who raised up the righteous man from the east, called him to his foot, gave the nations before him, and made him rule over kings? he gave them as the dust to his sword, and as driven stubble to his bow.

Today, even in the day of Isaiah, a great man would come from the East. So, in Korea, there were many who prophesized, that when Christ would return, he would return to Korea. Of course, Isaiah made this prophecy, but also from this group in Korea. There was also a prophecy that a great man would come from the East.

Father told me, it needs to be record in history, when Jesus returns, he returns to the East, and that a new history begins in the East. He said, this needs to be recorded; so, this can remain a historical record. He said this to me in 1954, when we first put up the sign for the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. At that time there were other groups who were very active in society and in politics going to the government, going to different agencies saying, ‘Jesus is coming. Jesus is coming to this country; so, we need to prepare for his arrival. They would go to people and say, “Jesus is coming to this country; so, this message, this news, this has to be spread to all people, and they also came to the Unification Church.

It was just a few days after we put up the sign that they came to us. They were happy to see we had a message similar to theirs. We were also say that the Lord of the Second Advent, that Jesus return would come to Korea; and, so Father, he let them stay in the Church and he fed them for several days. He stayed in our Church for several days.

At that time, there were no other places in the world that were saying that returning Christ is coming to Korea; but, they came and they saw that the Lord had returned, that he was there, that he was in Korea and they were very overjoyed to receive this. One of them, when he came to meet Father, he said, yes, this man is the returning Christ. He knows all about the civilizations of the world. He knows all about the history of the world. He knows the Bible backwards and forwards. He knows everything about the Bible; so, I am convinced he is the returning Christ, and he testified to True Father that way.

This was actually the eighth day of the fourth Lunar month of 1954. That is the birthday, especially in Korean Buddhism, that is the birthday of Buddha. These people were having a great festival for Buddha; so, Father instructed me, Mrs. Kang, to go and attend that festival.

So, we established a firm relationship between their group and the Unification Church. Also, at that festival, Mrs. Kang was able to give a message entitled, “The Mission of the Korean People.” The head of that religion was so happy that I attend, they prepared a special meal, like we prepare for Father; they also prepared a meal for him. He had the members of this religious group prepare the same meal for Mrs. Kang, so she could also eat with him; and, they said the Lord is returning to Korea; and, they said there leader was that returning Lord. They were happy, and Father was happy that there was another group that testified that Jesus would return to Korea.

So, Mrs. Kang maintained that relationship for a long time after that; and, many of their members heard the Divine Principle, and they testified the fact that this really is from God. This really is the wonderful truth, and the guidance that the Unification Church received is also from God.

This was not the only group in Korea at the time that was saying that the Jesus would return to Korea. There were a lot of people, a lot of group who would pray and offer sincerity and dedication, and who were receiving revelation that Jesus was returning to Korea. Many such people came to our services, and they said that it’s wonderful that the Unification Church is teaching this, that what the Unification Church is teaching is truly God’s Will, God’s desire, and that God was working His spiritual Providence through the Unification Church.

Many Christians changed their denomination from the Church they were attending to the Unification Church; but, it wasn’t just Christians. Buddhist, also, stopped going to their Temple and started coming to the Unification Church, and many Confucianists also. Many people of various religions came to the Unification Church.

Isaiah testified the Lord would be coming, a righteous man, a good man would be coming from the East. Everyone here is a fortunate person, because you’ve been able to meet that person. You’ve been able to form a father-son relationship, a father-daughter relationship with that person. I know that you’ve been working hard already, that you’ve done much already; but, I ask you today to work even harder to accomplish Father’s desire; because, Father who is in Spirit World now can be joyful as a result of that.

Thank you very much.

Friday, March 26, 2021

True mother words about the only begotten daughter

“True mother” words about the only begotten daughter

“When I first met Father, I already knew the providential history and the providence of restoration through indemnity. I had not studied the DP, yet I just knew it. Father absolutely needs my power in order to be victorious as the Lord of Second Advent.” (8/24/2013, Tongil Segye magazine [September issue]

“Change of the blood lineage! I am [the OBD] from the womb. You should believe it. As to father’s history, he earned the qualification of the only begotten son when he met Jesus and inherited his mission. Do you understand? You should know this. The 2,000-year history until now is a history to find the only begotten daughter. I am revealing this historical secret…Therefore, only I can do it. Since you met me, you are the lucky ones.” (7/1/2014, HDH at Cheon Jeong Gung)

“I was in the realm of heaven’s protection until I was able to reach this position. There has been no one who educated me. The only begotten son and the only begotten daughter are on equal level. No one can say that the only begotten son educated the only begotten daughter. Do you understand what I am saying? Therefore, it is I, who made the decision. I made the determination.” (10/27/2014 Special Meeting of World Leaders at Cheon Jeong Gung)

Mother’ statements are not consistent with Father’s lifelong teachings. UC leaders argue that Father used the term “only-begotten daughter” in a few speeches, but the entire context and theology that TM is creating around that term is completely alien to Father and the Principle.

When UC leaders use that justification, they are distorting True Father’s word. [Read below]

Here is what True Father really said concerning True Mother’s claim:

1. “True mother” was born with fallen lineage

  • “Jesus was called “the only begotten son.” This is an amazing word. He attended God as his Father, and said, “I am the only begotten son.” The only begotten son is a first son of first love. God’s hidden love is his root and everything should become the fruit, which is connected to him.
  • Although Jesus was the only begotten son, was there the only begotten daughter who was supposed to be his object partner? History of salvation is [history of] restoration. Where is the only begotten daughter? She is a fallen woman. A fallen woman.
(Sermons of Rev. Moon, Vol. 394, pp. 35~36, “Absolute faith, love, obedience and a path for glorious establishment of fatherland,” Oct. 6, 2002)

  • “Do you think that Mother was born to be the wife of the Second Coming like a princess? Tell me! No. She was born with the fallen lineage.”

(Sermons of Rev. Moon, Vol. 461, p. 26, “The fulfillment of the family pledge and the life of attending True Parents,” Jul. 19, 2004)

  • “Then, how can a woman be found from the perspective of the principle of recreation? [A woman] should be recreated through Adam. Some Christians make a joke that the number of man’s ribs are one less than that of a woman because God created a woman out of a man’s rib. This kind of literal understanding is crazy. What does that really mean? Taking out of something means that it was used as a mold. When you read a book, you say ‘get the essence out of the book,’ right? What does ‘getting the essence out of something’ means? It means extract something which can become a model or a mold. A woman was created after the model of a man.”

(Sermons of Rev. Moon, Vol. 115, p. 133, “Historical Turning Point,” Nov. 8, 1981)

  • “Although the only begotten son appeared in order to open the heaven’s door, there should be the only begotten daughter since man and woman changed the blood lineage through the Fall. Then, how does the only begotten daughter come into being? Because a woman was created out of Adam’s rib, the only begotten son must recreate Eve. He has to bring her back”

(Sermons of Rev. Moon, Vol 482, p. 275, “Become a queen of the tribe,” Jan. 14, 2005)

2. History is in search of a man

“When we look at the history of six thousand years until now, it has been a history in search of a man. It has been searching for a man. This is because women are restored through men. At the time of creation, woman was created after man; it is an unchangeable fact that history is in search of a man. The principle of history does not change.” (Blessing and Ideal Family, p.112)

3. True father’s lineage was purified by God

  • “You say that you received the fallen lineage because Adam and Eve fell, and True Father’s lineage is also the fallen lineage. You should never say that kind of words. If Rev. Moon inherited the fallen lineage, how could he know the secret of heaven? If so, restoration can never be realized.

(“The realm of the archangel’s ownership”, Oct. 3, 2009)

  • “It’s been said whether True Father received fallen lineage or pure lineage. How dare you say like that? Adam & Eve fell at the age of 16. So, without purifying the representative lineage through 6000 years of history and standing in the position of Adam before the Fall with the responsibility of historical representative
  • (A representative of formation stage, a representative of growth stage and a representative of completion stage), how can God’s lineage be connected?
  • How can you say whether Father has pure lineage or something else when you cannot even interpret the Principle? Because I know it, I did not want to come here. I didn’t want to come because I know how disgusting this is.”

(Sermons of Rev. Moon, Vol. 608, p.303, “This is time to complete everything,” Feb. 28, 2009)

4. True father educated “true mother”

  • “The first 7 year course started from 1960 until 1967 and fought this battle. During that period, I educated Mother and did work of recreation to make her one with me.”

(Sermons of Rev. Moon, Vol 52, p.252, “Significance and the origin of God’s Day,” Jan. 1, 1972)

  • “Does True Mother know the Principle? She does not. She knows nothing. Father has to educate her.”

(Apr. 18, 2001, Tongil Segye)

5. True father selected her and put her in “true mother” position

“True Mother is able to be in that position because Father puts her there. Eve was created with Adam as the model, right? (Yes.) Eve was created with perfected Adam as the model.”

(Sermons of Rev. Moon, Vol. 283, p. 30, “The era of Family Federation for World Peace and Unification,” Apr. 8, 1997)

6. “True mother” must have a proper attitude as an object partner

“Now, True Mother should not think she can do what she wants to do. Do not think that ‘Father cannot be perfected without me’. Do you understand? Even I cannot say, ‘God, I fulfilled the absolute value, so you would be in a difficult position without me, right? Do as I say.’ I cannot do that.

(Sermons of Rev. Moon, Vol. 491, p.247, “Promising the proclamation of the settlement of God’s victory and prosperity,” Mar. 22, 2005)


Saturday, December 12, 2020

Mrs. Hyun Shil Kang A real story

Mrs. Hyun Shil Kang A real story

Father said, “I’m going to take this Word, and I’m going to unite Christianity. I am going to unite the world. I am going to unite the Cosmos.” I said, “What do you mean Cosmos?” Father said, “That means Heaven and Earth.” So, he’s thinking about all this in this small room, where two, maybe three people can gather, and he’s talking about uniting Christianity and unifying the world, I was thinking to myself.

Father said, “Do you have a Bible with you?” I said, “Sure, I have a Bible with me.” He said, “Open the Bible to any page;” so, I did that. The verse that I picked was, “Oh, ye of little faith.” It was where Jesus was scolding the Disciples for having little faith.

One day, I was on the road to the Seminary, and I saw a man and a woman fighting; and, they were fighting, fiercely. They were almost drawing blood from each other. As I watched them fight, I said to God, “How is it, we can resolve this kind of evil in the world, to make these kinds of people live together; yet, when I had that kind of doubt in my heart, I couldn’t move. I could not go forward. I could not go backwards. I could not go left or right. My two feet were just glued to the ground.

I have been, expelled from my Seminary. I have been, expelled from my Church; and, I lost all my friends. The persecution was so fierce against me at that time, I was just thinking of just leaving. Just leaving Father and not working with him anymore. Finally, I was able to go from there, to where True Father was; and, I was climbing the hill towards his hut, when I came to a pine tree; and as I passed that pine tree, I decided, No matter what he says today, no matter what happens, I am going to tell him, “I can’t do this anymore.” I am going to quit. I am going to leave him. I am going to say, “Good-bye!”

So, when I met Father, and greeted him, I noticed he was completely different from what he was before. Until then, he was glad to see me, and asked if I had anything to eat. This kind of thing; but on that day, he was very fierce. Before I could say anything, Father looked at me, and he knew what I was going to tell him. In fact, Father is a person who knows our past, he knows our present, he knows our future. He even knows our descendants. Father was looking at me with a completely different expression from before, and this is what he said to me then.

He said, “I’m a crazy man. I am a crazy person. I am crazy about loving God. I’m crazy for accomplishing God’s Will.” Therefore, I was not able to say, “Good-bye” to Father that day; because, the reason was, I also had to become crazy for God’s Will. I also had to be crazy to accomplish the Will that God has been waiting for two thousand years. Father knew that I came to him to say, “Good-bye” to him that day. In order to keep me from leaving him from going on this path, he had to tell me, he was a crazy person; that I was also crazy for accomplishing God’s Will; so, I would be inspired to that as well.

Everyone here is going on a difficult course; but your course is different from what Father went through. Father was imprisoned six times; and, no matter how much difficulty we have, that difficulty is small compared to the difficulty Father experienced in prison. When you overcome that difficulty, you will become the victors that will be, remembered in history.

I want to say just one more thing. Father asked me, “Are these things I just made up; or, did they come from God?” Father wanted to know about that. Then Father said, “Are you curious from where they came from?” I said, “Yes, I am.” Father said, “Well, pray and ask God. He will tell you where these teachings come from.” I thought, in Christian history, there are many intelligent people who came up with intelligent teachings and theories, but were never able to put those into practice; so, I thought, this is going to be like that as well. This is just some person that came up with something, that sounds good; but it is never going to come about. But, when I thought that way, I experienced something very strange. For the next three days, I was not able to speak.

I could not speak; so, I did not go to Father for three days. Then, on the fourth day, Father asked me, “Why I hadn’t come for three days?” And I told him, “After you told me to pray about where these teachings come from, I had tremendous difficulty internally, and also externally, in terms of my time. So, he asked me, “When you prayed that way, did you have some sense of doubt within your heart?” I said, “Yes, I had some doubt.” He said, “It was because of your doubt that you were not able to speak.”

Therefore, I am a person, who has not been able to speak, and having my feet glued to the ground, and not being able to walk. After these experiences, I realized, God is really working here. Therefore, after that, I determined myself to go this path to the end.

Some people may doubt these things; but I am telling you the truth as they happened. You can imagine how God must feel that he takes an unqualified person such as me and works through me to accomplish His Will. Let us everyone her unite; and, let us work to bring Victory with Hyung Jin Nim, and to God’s Purpose here. Thank You.


Wednesday, November 25, 2020

About Mrs. Kang, from Sanctuary member

Excerpt from Sanctuary member John Clark

About Mrs. Kang

Mrs. Hyun-Shil Kang spoke at Sanctuary Church today in Newfoundland.

She is 90 years old and has been following Father for 65 years. She visited his cardboard shack in 1952 to witness to him. She is the first member to join in South Korea.

She will be living with Hyung Jin Nim’s family from now on in Pennsylvania and dedicate her final years to helping him. She joined before the 36 couples and before Mother’s family. She is probably the earliest member living today. Father called her The mother of the Unification Church. This is a nuclear bomb in Korea against Mother’s credibility. Many more Koreans will come out as Sanctuarians from now on.

Why do you think she flew to the US at 90 years of age against her doctor’s advice to join Hyung Jin Nim in Newfoundland, PA instead of joining Hyun Jin Nim in Seattle?

Because she wants to continue serving Father as she has done for 65 years. She is convinced an amazing spiritual work will come about through God and Father working in spirit world and Hyung Jin Nim and us working on earth.

Should we all have an election to decide Father’s heir in the sole line of authority?

  • How much should your vote count compared to Father himself?
  • How much should your vote count compared to Mrs. Kang, the woman Father called the mother of the Unification Church?

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Life Course of True Mother, Hyun Shil Kang

Life Course of True Mother, Hyun Shil Kang

Rev. Lee:

True Father has chosen Mrs. Hyun Shil Kang as True Mother, and gave us the grace to attend this event.

It is an honor for me to report about the life course of True Mother Hyun Shil Kang. True Father has talked about True Mother over 2,000 times and has also said that she was the seed that the Unification Church needed.

Even though she was persecuted constantly and mocked she has come out beautifully victorious.

True Mother Hyun Shil Kang was the first one to attend True Father in South Korea; she is the church's ancestor. She is a very small woman but she will be remembered next to True Father's name.

True Mother Hyun Shil Kang was born as a first child on September 15 1927 by the solar calendar (20th day of the 8th month by the lunar calendar). Her father was religious with a strong sense of responsibility. He always emphasized, in his family, the importance of absolute faith; he did a good job in sowing faith in his daughter.

When the Japanese took over Korea, they forced the Koreans to go to the Japanese Shinto shrines and worship their gods. But Hyun Shil Kang's father refused to do this; he was taken to prison and was tortured. He died of his injuries after being released.

In March 1949, she joined Beomcheon Presbyterian Church (Busan, Korea). Three years later, she heard of a young man in Bomnekol. She began to pray to God to know if she should visit him. On May 10, 1952, she received an answer from God that she should go and visit him.

She went there and found Mrs. Ok Se Hyun who introduced her to True Father for the first time. He was wearing Korean style pants and western top with American army socks. She was surprised to see the small hut built of cardboard and mud. She thought that anyone living in that poor house must have resentment at having to live so miserably.

True Father asked True Mother Hyun Shil Kang, "Where are you from?" She replied that she was from such a church, and that she came to witness. Father said that she came on a timely day as he had just finished writing a book after escaping from North Korea. This was the day that he finished writing the Divine Principle and he had gone up the hill to pray.

True Father asked her to listen to some of his words. He was talking in a booming voice and jumping up and down; Hyun Shil Kang was shocked at how powerful he could be. Then she understood that Father was giving the Word to the whole spiritual world.

For several days, True Mother Hyun Shil Kang listened to True Father. She realized that what this young man was saying was true. She was also deeply moved by a most sincere prayer he gave; she became the first disciple after Father came down from North Korea and wrote the Divine Principle.

On July 20, 1953, True Father gave Mrs. Kang the mission to pioneer Daegu City, which was a stronghold of Christianity. He told her, “Pioneering is not easy but if you believe and have faith in God, He will guide you and work through you.” She has lived all her life with this faith in God and in True Father.

In April 1954, True Mother Hyun Shil Kang was appointed as nationwide (South Korea) itinerary worker with the mission to visit spiritualists and Christian leaders; to be a missionary to groups and spiritual people. From then she went around and testified in 40-day conditions. In 1954, Korea was so poor that there was no room for anyone; so she had to ask people to let her stay in their homes.

On June 1956, Hyun Shil Kang pioneered the first church in Dae Jeon, Korea

True Father declared that a new age and a new world was coming; and that the Lord of the Second Advent had arrived. He explained the importance of making this statement. Mrs. Kang met hundreds of women.

One of them was very spiritual; she explained that she saw her sounding the archangel's trumpet, which signifies the coming of Christ.

In 1959, for 7 years, True Mother Hyun Shil Kang witnessed in a park and she reported to True Father on a daily basis. When she was witnessing, some people supported her, but a lot of them were against her. Sometimes people came up to her, slapped her and assaulted her but she still went out every day rain or snow and continued. Also, since she did not have permission to speak there, the police harassed her.

True Father explained to her that she had to go outside to witness regardless of the weather condition, because this was the frontline of the war between God and Satan. He told her, “Even if there is no one to witness to, you must still go and preach the Word, or walk around and pray.” So, she went to the park every day.

Then she had a mission to visit colleges and universities teaching young people about the dangers of communism.

In 1971, she was assigned as an itinerary worker of the church to teach Christian audiences about the Word of the Messiah. Many Christians were touched by her words; some testified that her words were like God's. During that time, she went to Israel and explained that she really felt the heart of Jesus there.

Now I Read a Letter She Wrote to the True Father:

"Today I want to give you words of celebration as an offering, as a condition so that all the people with whom I speak can have connection with the True Father. So, even though I know I am not worthy, may you please accept this offering!”

In December 1990, she was one of 12 people that True Father sent on a mission to Japan. From 1991 to 1996, she travelled to different countries.

In 1996, Mrs. Kang was appointed as National Messiah for the Russian Federation. She listened to their reports and started activity in Russia. She said that Father prepared her for these people. Sometimes she saw Jesus smiling; and each time something good would happen.

In the year 2,000, Mrs. Kang was appointed as Federation Chairwoman for Seodae - Mun, Seoul Korea.

In 2016, she received the Blessing to return to True Father's authority; in March, she sent her resignation letter to the Family Federation and came to the wilderness of Pennsylvania.

True Mother Hyun Shil Kang has devoted her whole life to True Father. She prayed because she could not understand the betrayal of the Han mother; she had a hard time believing that True Mother left the position and could say that True Father had original sin. She could not accept the interpretation of the Han mother. After this spiritual battle, she decided to cut off her connection with her.

She came to the Palace of the three Kingships to attend True Father’s heir and the 3rd King. She has been protecting the true lineage, which is what the Han mother should have done.

I would like to end with True Father's words: “The True parents have to have a holy marriage but the first and second did not work out; the 3rd time will be the last.”

True Mother Hyun Shil Kang Biography and ascension


Hyun Shil Kang is now the new True Mother

Hyun Shil Kang is now the new True Mother

Not Hak Ja Han

Hyung Jin Moon

Hyung Jin Moon September 23, 2017

The Cosmic Perfection Blessing and Holy Marriage of the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humanity

Sanctuary Church Newfoundland, PA

MC: Tim Elder:

True Father had chosen a woman, but she was not able to fulfill the position of the True Mother. True Father walked a path that cannot be explained through words; he walked the path of indemnity to establish the foundation of true love.

Today we will see a biblical miracle happening in front of our eyes. The 2nd King has chosen Mrs. Hyun Shil Kang as the True Mother for the position of True Mother. Hak Ja Han was not able to fulfill her position.

The blessing of marriage of the True Parents took place on the formation and growth level but not on the perfection level due to the disunity of the Han mother.

True Father gave instructions to his representative and heir Hyung Jin Moon, the 2nd King of Cheon Il Guk, to hold this ceremony in Sanctuary Church. Reading from the Book of Revelation 12 verse 1-10:

1. And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

2. And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

3. And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

4. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

5. And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

6. And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

7. And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

8. And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

9. And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

10. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

This is a revelation that John saw 2,000 years ago and it is happening before our very eyes.

‘There appeared a great wonder in heaven’ points to this day, September 23, 2017. According to NASA, the sun comes to stay right above the shoulder of the Virgo constellation. Jupiter which is often referred to as the King planet is supposed to be in its womb. The Moon is at its feet and there are 12 stars (including three planets) forming a crown on the woman's head.

Mrs. Hyun Shil Kang’s birthday is in the Virgo constellation; by the lunar calendar, it is on the 20th day of the 8th month.

Hyun Shil Kang was directly chosen to be the Cosmic Bride of Christ; God waited for 6000 biblical years for this day, since the fall of humanity and today it will be fulfilled.

A few days ago, we picked a rhema, and it said that man is heaven and woman is earth and the unity of man and woman means the perfection of the cosmos and earth.

In Revelation, it also says that even though Satan will constantly attack this woman, in the end she will be victorious. Hence, I ask all of you to please spiritually, protect her. I forgot to say that Mrs. Kang is one of the six Mary’s; this truly is a Holy Blessing in disguise...

We will now offer our greetings to True Father who is the True Parents officially anointed by God; we will offer a standing bow to Hyung Jin Moon who is his representative. Everyone watching online will now also offer a bow.

The Crimes of Hak Ja Han:

Despite being chosen by True Father and educated by him for over 50 years, Hak Ja Han has voluntarily left her position as the True Mother. Now we will be citing her wrongdoings.

The previous video that was shown was a video where True Father was saying that there was no more True Mother.

A New Bride to St. Augustine:

True Father had given Mrs. Kang as a bride to San Augustine. However due to the betrayal of the Han mother, Father withdrew this bride from Saint Augustine and he gave him a new bride.

Second King HJ Sean Moon’s Prayer:

Our beloved Father, Father thank you thank you, thank you for this day, for your amazing grace and your incredible love. You went throughout history with indescribable pain.

You sent this woman, who has attended you as the first disciple from the early days in South Korea; she has shown the course of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience to you. I thank you once more for sending us the Virgo with 12 stars on her head. So many saints have waited for this and today a woman is wearing the sun, and the moon is below her feet.

Father did not deserve this tremendous betrayal from Hak Ja Han after his passing. That evil serpent attacked this woman and attempted to kill her (Mrs. Hyun Shil Kang); however you protected her and she overcame. Father, I thank you for your guidance. Today she is here as the Cosmic Bride to show absolute faith and absolute loyalty.

We have reached this day despite all the persecution from everywhere. All the Kings and Queens have gathered for this event; they are here now with the 2nd and 3rd Kings of Cheon IL Guk.

Father, upon your holy throne, all the kings and queens of CIG will now offer you their crown and a bow for this day to honor and congratulate the Cosmic Blessing.

With the Rod of Iron, we will destroy Satan. Satan's power and the old and poisonous serpent will surely try to attack the True Mother.

Please allow us to be the owners of Cheon IL Guk that can protect True Parents.

We understand that this is a historical turning point.

Father thank you, thank you, and thank you!

See True Mother Hyun Shil Kang Biography and Ascension Video

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Something that Father told me

Mrs. Kang Hyun Shil
Sunday Service, January 8th 2017
Translated by Tim Elder
I would like to greet everyone in Sanctuary Church today. I am so glad that so many people have come. I am grateful to God, to True Father and to Hyung Jin Nim.
Today I would like to tell you something that Father told me when he would send me out on a witnessing mission. Father would say: “These words are not just the words of the secular world, these are words of God; so you must give these words to every person you meet, and especially you must convey these words to the Christian saints who are strong believers.” At that time he would read me a verse from the Bible. These words were something that every Christian knows, every Christian even if they are a child, an adult, any place in the world; if a person is a Christian they would know this verse. This was John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”
And then Father said this: “I give you the authority to judge; so as you convey these words, I want you to judge many people.” These are the words that Father gave me: “Those who believe will receive eternal life and those you do not receive these words will be destroyed.” Father said that. This may be fearful. How can I accomplish this mission? I was very worried.
And Father told me: “The Lord of the Second Advent whom the Christians are waiting for, the Maitreya Buddha whom the Buddhists are waiting for, the True Man that the Confucians are waiting for, the Chong Do Ryung that is prophesied in the Korean texts, you must tell people that that person has come on this earth.”
He told me I must be confident and strong in telling people that those who believe in this Lord of the Second Advent, in this Chong Do Ryung, in this True Man or this Maitreya Buddha, who has come to this world, will receive salvation and those who do not will be destroyed. He told me to go around the country testifying to the Lord of the Second Advent, testifying to the Maitreya Buddha for the Buddhists and the True Man for the Confucians and to the Chong do Ryung for those who believe in the Chung Gam Nok prophecy of Korea, and to tell them that actually all these people are one, and that this one person is the Lord of the Second Advent who is our True Father. This is what he told me to say.
This was a strange thing for people to hear. It is not something they were accustomed to hearing, but every place I went to and everywhere I spoke these words, amazing works of the spirit would happen.
One person did not believe in Jesus but he was able to communicate with the spirit world quite a lot. I showed him a photograph of the founding of the Unification Church on May 1st 1954, and this person looked at the photograph and he looked at all the people who were there and said: “Oh! I have discovered something incredible today.” He pointed to Father in the photograph and said: “I see in this photograph this man is going to unite the world.” I was very surprised. He had never seen Father, he did not know Father, he had seen this photograph for the first time, but he said: “This man is the Son of God; this man is the Lord of the Second Advent who has come to unite the world.”
This man, if he had not believed what I told him, he would have been destroyed, but I just had to tell him one time and to show him that photograph and he believed. I was surprised. I did not have to say anything to him, actually; I just had to show him one picture, and he could see in that picture - and he pointed to Father – that this man would unite the world. When he said that, I was very happy; I started clapping, I started clapping by myself. It is really true, Father is the son of God and he has come to unite the world!
This man was someone who would be invited to the inauguration ceremony of each president of Korea. He would speak at the inauguration and say: “The country is going to do well now; the people have chosen a good president.” That experience helped me to believe that Father was not just a regular person, that he was even greater than the president; he was truly the son of God who had come as the Lord of the entire universe. It gave me tremendous joy in my heart to know this.
Father gave me the authority to judge that those who believed what I said would be saved, and those who did not would be destroyed. I believed Father’s words completely; because I believed those words completely, I had complete faith in what he told me, and the fruits of these words could come about.
I want to ask you today to truly believe that Father is the Messiah, the Savior, the Lord of the Second Advent, and the Lord of the universe. When you go out and you testify to Father in that way, with complete faith, I am sure that people will come with both hands raised and fill this hall. It will not work if you do not believe, because then you will not experience that kind of work of the Spirit.
Please believe that when you go out with complete belief, 100%, absolute belief and testify to Father in that way, the people who believe will receive salvation and those who do not will receive damnation. It does not matter who says those words, it does not matter who conveys God’s words; whether it is a child, an adult, or a famous revivalist, no matter who says those words, it is the word of God that brings judgment.
There are many Christians today in the world who are waiting for the Lord of the Second Advent; there are many Buddhists waiting for the Maitreya Buddha, many Confucians waiting for the True Man, many people who believe in the Chung Gam Nok waiting for the Chong Do Ryung. So when you go out and testify to them, they will all realize this is where they can find that person; but you have to believe completely and testify that way.
In Acts 2: 17 it says that in the Last Days the old will dream and the young will see visions. If people here in Sanctuary Church believe and testify in that way, those words of the Bible will certainly come true and bear fruit in this congregation.
2,000 years ago many works of the Spirit were also seen; old people had dreams, the young had visions and they prophesied. This is how the early church of the disciples and the apostles was able to grow so quickly. No one should think,” I cannot do anything”, because when you are filled with the Spirit there is nothing that you cannot do. You can go out and do anything when you are filled with that Spirit.
Don’t say, “We cannot witness”; don’t say, “I am trying to witness but it is not working.” When you go out with the authority to judge and you testify to Christians about the Lord of the Second Advent, to the Buddhist about the Maitreya Buddha, to the Confucians about the personal figure that they are waiting for, when you do that, your faith will bear fruit.
Especially because this is not just a normal church; this church is the church to which Father gave the name ‘Sanctuary’. Father has given his blessing to this church and certainly if you determine yourself, “I am going to realize that blessing, I am going to make that blessing a reality”, then this church will be the church which will stand in the forefront of all churches in the world. Today there are many Christian saints who are waiting for the Lord of the Second Advent.
Father could never stand to see me staying at home. He would say to me: “Don’t you realize how many people are waiting for you to tell them that the Lord of the Second Advent has come? What are you doing at home? Get out there and witness!”
No one should consider themself a guest in this church; each of you is an owner, and each of you should take responsibility for the church, by yourself, individually. Father used to scold us a lot during the early days of the church. I was scolded a lot. He would tell us: “Why aren’t you acting more like owners, why aren’t you acting more like sons? Why aren’t you taking responsibility yourself? Why are you thinking that someone else will do this, someone else will take care of this?” He always encouraged us strongly and scolded us to act more as owners of the church.
Don’t do it because you feel forced to, don’t do because you have to, but do it out of an enthusiasm that wells up within you like a fire, and when you do that God will work with you, Father will work with you and our Second King , the successor and heir will work with you. This was not something that you began. God started it; God knows the past, He knows the present and He knows the future. True Father who is in spirit world now has desired this.
Please note that God wants so much, Father wants so much to be able to do his work through the Second King, through his representative and heir. Please be determined that before you leave this world, you will absolutely accomplish this task. When the Holy Spirit filled the disciples in the upper room on Pentecost, from that day on they ate together, they shared their clothing, they did everything together and they were of one heart, and they worked together in that way. That’s how they were able to build the church. I ask you to do the same from now on.
I believe and I ask all of you to believe that if we all become one with our Second King, then incredible works of the Holy Spirit will happen, more than we can even imagine. People who have been prepared will come here one after another. But it will not work if you do not believe. It will only work if you believe. We need to understand that when everyone here without exception believes with absolute faith and moves forward with that faith, then incredible results will come forth.
Father gave me that authority to judge a long time ago and when he did, amazing things happened. I would go some place and some people would have prepared a meal for me already before I came, or somebody would have prepared clothing for me, and not only that. Many people came to me to hear the word; I did not have to go to them.
Father was always waiting for me to return. He would wait with sincerity and dedication to hear my report. For example, when he was eating a meal and I was reporting, he would put food on his spoon and he would bring up to his mouth, but he would not put it into his mouth, he would wait for me to finish my report before he ate that food. And I would think: “Father, I wish you would eat”. He would have the spoon right in front of his mouth, but if it took me ten minutes or twenty minutes he would just leave it there and just wait for me to finish. Father was always very curious. What did you hear? What kind of works of the Spirits have you witnessed? How are the Christians receiving these words? He was very curious about those things.
Father was living upstairs in the old Cheong Pa Dong Church, and he would come down to the first floor and he would say: “Has Kang Hyun Shil returned?” He would always be waiting for me to come back and report. I remember how Father would even not sleep at night waiting for me to come and tell him, report to him what I had heard that people say. When I think about that now I feel very sorry.
And so I travelled all around Korea, to every place in Korea testifying to the word, and acting as the judge. So here in Sanctuary church too when you have the Holy Spirit in you, that you cannot even sit still and you want to go out and convey the word, spread the word even to one more person, when you go out with that kind of attitude great results will happen. I want everybody here to believe that. If you believe, it will be accomplished according to your faith and if you do not believe, it will not work.
I have had many experiences like this. Later, at some other time I will tell you about my experience. But today please have that kind of faith! Let’s believe that way. You just have to believe that way and go forward, and it will happen. God who performed great works of the spirit in the past can certainly do the same today. I believe that God will also perform the works of the spirit here in Pennsylvania.
So I ask everyone to go out with the authority to judge, so that many people may be caught up in your net and be brought to this hall. We are not the ones to do it; it is God who does it. True Father is doing it. The wonderful hearts of Second King Hyung Jin Nim and Kook Jin Nim is more than enough to move the heart of God. I hope that the spiritual work of victory will happen in this congregation.
So let’s turn the world upside down. The way the world can be turned upside down is if the sick are healed, the dead are resurrected and those who are without faith receive faith and testify that this is true. When will that happens? I do not know how long I will be here, but as long as I am here, I will convey to you the words of our Father, so that we can have a church that is alive, a church that is on fire.
Thank you very much

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