Tuesday, January 21, 2020

We can accomplish

With the Living God and our True Father, we can accomplish.
January 16, 2017
Reading: 2 Chronicles 16:9
9 For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him. Herein thou hast done foolishly: therefore, from henceforth thou shalt have wars.
Today I will be speaking on 2 Chronicles 16”9; this is a verse that I have loved very much. God’s eyes are like balls of fire; they are always watching and looking at what is taking place on the earth. He shows his power to those who dedicate their entire hearts and minds to Him. That is why whether it is for small things or large things we must always live our lives in the presence of God; the path of the Christian saint is to live in God.
The Living God knows everything about us. He knows our past, He knows our present, He knows our future, He knows our descendants and He knows our ancestors. That is the Living God.
There are times when we think that God cannot see what we are doing, or that He chooses not to see what we are doing. This is what we think sometimes, and then we do whatever we want. When we give our sincerity and dedication to God, it cannot be just a part of it, it cannot be a third of our sincerity and dedication; but it must be our entire mind and heart that we dedicate to 
In the same way, our True Father, the Lord of the 2nd Advent who is in the spiritual world now, can come to us. Whether or not we believe will determine whether he comes to us or not. He is in the spirit world and he is alive; he is there and he is alive.
However, often we tend to believe that he is not there and he is not alive.
Even now, Father in the spirit world is looking to see who is offering their entire mind and heart to him. He is looking for those who are offering their entire heart and mind to God. When we offer our heart and mind to God, then Father will come to us; He will come to us, cooperate with us, work with us and walk with us.
Some people say, “Well, since Father went to spirit world, we don’t hear anything from him.” That is not true about Father. In the spirit world, he is there and he is working; he is watching and he comes to those who believe that he is doing that.
If we can believe that today, if we can be certain of that today, then God will come to us and work his providence through us. When God works through us, when He walks through us, when He cooperates with us, there is nothing that cannot be done.
Father is conducting the work of the spirit in the spiritual world. It is not that he is not doing that, it is that we are not aware of it.
For those who can feel. for those who believe that Father is with us, that he is with us in every aspect of our life, from the small things to the large things, that he feels with us, that he is joyful with us, that he feels our emotions together with us; for those people who can believe that, Father will come and perform amazing works of the spirit for them.
I attended many Hoon Dok Haes with Father in the past. I experienced that when I would offer my sincerity and dedication and prepare my heart before going, Father would look at me in a way that was very inspiring and very warm, but if I did not do so, it was as if he was looking at a sour cucumber; he would look at me in a very cold way.
Father is aware of our lives; he is involved in our lives. Those who believe it, can be guided by Father, receive his cooperation, and have him walk with them.
From today, our lives need to change. The way they have to change is that we need to believe that God is with us and that Father will be involved in our lives, in every aspect of our lives. When we believe that way, then wherever we go and whomever we meet, we can be sure that God’s power will be shown through us.
It’s been less a month since I arrived here but I feel strongly that our 2nd King, Hyung Jin Nim, truly is cooperating with God, working with God, walking with God, and that he is really one with Father in terms of his actions and his thoughts. 
So I believe that the Sanctuary Church which is the tabernacle of God will grow and will be revived; the world will see a revival here and they will understand and they will realize that this is where God is.
I believe that everyone should work with Hyung Jin Nim so that everything that God wants to accomplish, everything that Father wants to accomplish can be realized.
Thank you very much


  1. There are times when we think that God cannot see what we are doing, or that He chooses not to see what we are doing. This is what we think sometimes, and then we do whatever we want. When we give our sincerity and dedication to God, it cannot be just a part of it, it cannot be a third of our sincerity and dedication; but it must be our entire mind and heart that we dedicate to

  2. For those who can feel. for those who believe that Father is with us, that he is with us in every aspect of our life, from the small things to the large things, that he feels with us, that he is joyful with us, that he feels our emotions together with us; for those people who can believe that, Father will come and perform amazing works of the spirit for them.


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